It’s Monday again! Luckily there is one thing that makes any Monday better – a good lipstick! And I’ve got one to show you. The amazing Catrice Ultimate Colour lipstick in 140 Pinker-bell.
Spet je ponedeljek. Na srečo obstaja stvar, ki polepša vsak ponedeljek – dobra šminka! In jaz imam eno, da vam jo predstavim. Čudovito Catrice Ulitmate Colour šminka v odtenku 140 Pinker-bell.
Ultimate Colour line at the moment has 16 different lipsticks. Here’s what Catrice says about them:
The colours of this lipstick is gorgeous! Bright pink with blue undertones. It doesn’t contain shimmer, but it is shiny. The application is really easy, it applies like butter.What you see on the pictures is only ONE coat. Its staying power isn’t the best, but as long as you don’t eat or drink is stays on a few hours. After wearing off it leaves a nice pinkish stain on you lips.
Barva te šminke je naravnost čudovita! Živo roza z modrim podtonom. Ne vsebuje šimra, je pa svetleča. Nanos je res lahek. Kar vidite na slikah, je le EN sloj. Obstojnost ni najboljša, ampak če ne jeste in pijete, se obdrži na ustnicah nekaj ur. Na ustnicah tudi pusti lep pinki stain.
So, what do you think? Awesome or what? Torej, kaj menite? Je čudovita, kajne?
xoxo, Nyx
Krasna šminka. In JA, ponedeljke polepša živa šminka. Podpis pod to izjavo
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