



Review: Impress nails

 Pred časom sem prejela tele čudovite imPress nohte. Ker pa so do sedaj moji nohti bili dolgi, ni bilo prilike za preizkus. Sedaj pa se mi je en zlomil in to sem izkoristila, da sem preizkusila tele nohte 😉
 A while ago I received this awesome imPress nails. But my nails were long at the time and I couldn’t try them. but one of my nails broke and took it as a great opportunity to try this nails 😉


 Že sama embalaža mi je zelo všeč in se mi zdi zelo domiselna. Nohti namreč pridejo v plastičnem ovoju, ki spominja na stekleničko laka za nohte.
 The packaging itself is very unique. The nails come in a plactic packaging that looks like a nail polish bottle.


 Najprej sem mislila, da bom imela težave, ampak temu ni bilo tako. Nanos je izredno enostaven, saj poteka v treh korakih:
1.) Izbira ustrezne velikosti umetnih nohtov:
Za vsak noht izbereš ustrezno velikost, kar mi je pa posebej všeč je to, da so strani odlično označene – del, kjer prozorna plastika gleda izpod nohta, pride k obnohtni kožici. Brez skrbi, da bi jih narobe obrnila 😉 Velikosti so različne in tudi meni, čeprav imam kar široke nohte, je uspelo najti pravo velikost za vsak noht.
2.)Očistiš nohte:
Očistiš svoje nohte s priloženo krpico za čiščenje, ki je priložena. Brez packanja, pretakanja, itd. Samo odpreš embalažo in potegneš po vsakem nohtu posebej.
3.) Nanos:
En noht naenkrat 😉 Na umetnem nohtu odstraniš zaščitno folijo, nastaviš na svoj noht – priporočam, da najprej pogledaš, da ni poševno nastavljen – in ko si zadovoljna s postavitvijo… močno pritisneš.
In to je to. Nič lepil, nič packanja,… Čisto enostavno.


 At first I thought I will have problems, but luckily this wasn’t the case. Application is extremely easy, you apply the in three steps:
1.) Choose the proper size:
For each of your nails you choose the proper size of the fake ones, without worries you might get them wrong – the size that is supposed to be at the cuticle is clearly marked with a see-trough plastic, that you removed before you apply them. The sizes are different and were a good fit even for me with my wide nails.
2.) Clean your nails:
You clean your nails with a cleaning pad which you receive with the nails. No mess, cotton pads, liquids, etc. You just open the package and clean your nails.
3.) Application:
One nail at a time 😉 For each nail you first remove the transparent plastic, that protects the glue. Then you put it on your nail – I suggest you first check if the nail is straight and not wonky – and then press hard.
And that’s it. No glue, no mess,… Extremely easy.


 Tudi odstranjevanje je enostavno – na robu dvigneš umetni noht in z palčko, namočeno v aceton enostavno razstopiš lepilo.
 Removing them is also easy – you lift the fake nail at the edge and with a cotton swap soaked in aceton remove the glue.


 Impress umetni nohti izgledajo zelo naravno, so čudovite oblike, jaz sem navdušena! Moji so zgolj rdeče barve, ampak izbira v trgovini je ogromna. Razno razne poslikave, za vsakega nekaj.
 ImPRESS nails look really natural, the shape is great, I am impressed (pun intended)! Mine were just red, but the selection in stores is huge! Different nail art, something for everyone.


 Še en plus, vzdržljivost. Meni do zdaj držijo 6 dni, bomo videli, kako dolgo bojo 😉
 Another plus, duration. I have them on for 6 days now and I am really curious to see how long they’ll last 😉


 Jaz jih res priporočam vsaki, ki bi si za kakšno posebno priložnost želela lepih nohtov, pa ni navdušena nad geli in podobnim, ali pa bi si rada malo popestrila svoje nohte.
 I really recommend them to anone who wants to have beautiful nails, and doesn’t like gels and stuff, or you just want to have a little something extra on your nails.


Ste že preizkusile imPRESS nohte? Kako se vam zdijo? Ste za ali proti?
Have you tried imPRESS nails? What do you think about them? Yay or nay?

Xoxo, Nyx

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