
Alverde Rockabella Red

 Pred kratkim sem v DM-u zagledala Alverde omejeno kolekcijo “Fabulous Fifties”, ki me je s svojo luškano embalažo takoj pritegnila. Ker pa sem bila takrat v gužvi, nisem uspela vzeti ničesar. Naslednjič, ko sem naletela na stojalo, pa je bilo že kar prazno, ampak tale šminka je čakala name 😉
 Recently I saw in DM Alverde limited edition, called “Fabulous Fifties”. It draw my attention  right away, but unfortunatelly I didn’t have time to see if it’s worth taking or not. The next time I saw it, there weren’t many things left, but this lipstick was waiting for me 😉


 Začnimo pri embalaži – PIKICE! Mene so takoj kupili s tole poslikavo 😉 Drugače je embalaža na navoj, kot vsaka druga šminka.
 Let’s start with the packaging – DOTS! I was instantly intrigued by this 😉 Othervise it screws as any other lipstick.


Barva – je unikatna v moji zbirki, pa imam kar nekaj šmink. Je rdeča z oranžnim podtonom – potegne na oranžno. Je svetleča, vendar brez bleščic.
 The colour – it’s unique in my collection, and I have a bunch of lipsticks. It’s red with an orange undertone – it looks more orange on me. It shines, but doesn’t contain shimmer.


 Nanos je čudovit. Brez problemov, dovolj je le en nanos, šminka je mehka in mazljiva.
 Application is wondefull. No problems, one coat is enough, the lipstick is soft and easy to apply.


 Tole je moja prva Alverde šminka, in želim si še kakšno 😉 Kaj pravite, je še katera vredna nakupa? This is my first Alverde lipstick and I want more 😉 What do you say, is any other worth buying?

xoxo, Nyx

(3) komentarji

  1. I love this colour on you !!! Looks gorgeous 🙂 xx

  2. Remedy Genie pravi:

    Really nice colour! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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