
Lippie Monday: W7 Kiss Lipsticks Pinks Fuchsia & other awesome W7 stuff

I received this lovely package from W7 cosmetics.
Prejela sem ta čudovit paketek od W7 cosmetics.


A hint of Bali lip & cheek stain:



This one is really liquidy, so you need to be really carefull when applying. But the colour, oh the colour, it’s gorgeous. The perfect healthy red cheeks red. Really subtle, but soooo beautiful!

But I didn’tconvince me as a lip stain. The taste of this isn’t good and since anything I put on my lips eventually goes in my mouth, I wasn’t impressed. Luckily the colour saves the day again;) For me is the perfect mine but better red lips, and for the days I don’t want to wear a in-your-face lipstick, but still wear red lips, this is perfect. It really is a stain, it’s durability is long, on your cheeks as well as on your lips. It didn’t dry my lips, in fact they felt nice and soft. They felt a bit sticky, but only if I rubbed them together, not when i tried to touch my hand, and the colour doesn’t come off.



Tale je zelo tekoč, tako da je treba biti previden pri nanašanju. Ampak barva, ta barva, je prekrasna. Popolna za zdravo rdeča lička. Zelo nežna, ampak takooo lepa! Na žalost me kot lip stain ni navdušil. Okus namreč ni najboljši, in ker pri meni vse kar gre na usta prej ali slej konča tudi v ustih, sem ostala hladna. Na srečo ga barva reši 😉 Zame je namreč popolna barva za moje naravne ustnice, vendar izboljšane. Za dni, ko želim imeti rdeče ustnice, vendar ne želim imeti res opazne šminke, je tale perfekten. Je dolgo obstojen, tako na ličkih kot na ustnicah. Ustnic mi ni izsušil, v resnici je pustil prijeten občutek nahranjenih ustnic. Bile so malenkost lepljive, vendar samo če sem jih podrgnila druga ob drugo, ob dotiku s kožo na roki ni bilo lepljivosti. Prav tako ne pušča barvnih sledi.

Just Brows Waterproof Brow Pen:


Unfortunatelly this one is black and my brows aren’t black. But I still tried it 😉 It is very easy to use and to apply. After applying it smudges a little, but with smudging it gives your brows more natural look.



Na žalost je tale črn, in moje obrvi niso črne. Ampak sem ga vseeno preizkusila 😉 Je zelo lahek za uporabo in nanos. Po nanosu se malenkost zabriše, če potegnem preko, vendar zabrisovanje ustvari bolj naraven videz obrivi.

Extra Extra Big Bold Lashes Mascara:


To tell you the truth this is my first mascara like this – with only small plastic bumps. And I LOVE it! When I saw it, my first reaction was – no way, this could never work on my lashes. But it does. It separates and lenghtens my lashes amazingly and this is what I need. Since this mascara isn’t waterproofit also isn’t smudge-proof, it does come off if you rub your eyes, but otherwise it stays on, it doesn’t give you panda eyes. It didn’t irridate my eyes.


Če povem po resnici, je tole moja prva maskara, narejena na tak način – ni klasične metlice, ampak so na koncu palčke samo majhne plastične izbokline. In OBOŽUJEM jo! Ko sem jo videla, je bila moja prva reakcija – ni šans, to nikoli ne bo delovalo. Ampak res deluje. Moje trepalnice čudovito loči in jih podaljša in to je točno to, kar pričakujem od maskare. Ker pa ta maskara ni vodoodporna prav tako ni odporna na drgnenje oči, tako da ko sem se podrgnila po očeh z roko, sem bila cela črna. Drugače pa je obstojnost dostojna, zdrži mi cel dan, brez da bi bila črna pod očmi. Ni mi dražila oči.

Kiss Lipsticks Pinks Fuchsia:


Have I told  you already how I adore fuchsia lipsticks?? And this one is no exception. From the package – black box with a see trough square at the bottom where you can see the colour of the lipstick – to the lipstick itself. I think it’s cute how “W7” is embeded at the top of the lipstick. And the colour is really pretty. True fuchsia without shimmer. It isn’t matte though. It smells divine and it’s really moisturizing on my lips.



Sem vam že povedala kako zelo obožujem šminke v barvi fuksije?? In tale ni nobena izjema. Od embalaže – črna škatlica ima na koncu prozoren kvadratek, kjer se vidi barva šminke – do šminke same. Zelo mi je všeč odtis na koncu šminke “W7”. Barva je pa zelo lepa. Čista fuksija, brez bleščic. Ni pa mat. Diši zelo lepo in mi ustnic ni izsušila.

Hide it! Concealer:


This one comes in a tube like a lipstick. The first time I tried it, I have had a few problems with it – I just couldn’t get colour from it. In the end I discovered it was all my fault – I’m just not used to this kind of concealers anymore. When I figure that out, it was very easy to use it. I just had to put enough pressure when applying. The colour is perfect for me and it conceales my blemishes perfectly.


Tale koretkor pride v stiku, kot šminka. Ko sem ga prvič preizkusila, sem imela nekaj problemov – nikakor mi ni uspelo, da bi na meni pustil barvo. Na koncu sem ugotovila, da je bila krivda za nedelovanje na moji strani – nisem več navajena na koretkorje v stiku. Ko sem ugotovila, kako ga uporabljati (samo močneje sem morala pritisniti, pa je bil problem rešen), je vse skupaj bilo zelo lahko. Barva je super zame in skrije moje nepravilnosti, tako kot sem pričakovala. 

I haven’t known W7 cosmetics before. Well, I’ve heard about it, but I’ve never tried anything. And now I know, I want a bunch of other stuff too.
Znamke W7 nisem poznala prej. No, slišala sem že za njih, vendar sem tokrat prvič preizkusila nekaj njihovega. In zdaj imam tudi že listo želja, kaj vse si še želim 😉
The first thing that caught my eyes are their palettes, and I hope soon I will try them! Just look:
Prva stvar, ki se mi zdi zanimiva, so njihove paletke, in upam, da bom katero tudi spreizkusila! Samo poglejte si jih:
A nude palette? Yes, please. There is never enough of those in my life 😉
Nude paletka? O, ja! Nikoli jih ni dovolj 😉
This is something I really need in my life. This one is new, so it’s not available on their website just yet, but I can’t wait for it, it looks super fun!
Tale je pa nekaj, kar res rabim. Je nova, in še ni na voljo na njihovi spletni strani, ampak komaj čakam, da bo, izgleda tako zelo zanimivo!
I am also interested in how their primers work, they have three different colours – and I’m always interested in different primers 😉
Zelo me zanimajo tudi njihovi primerji, imajo tri različne barve – in primerji me vedno zanimajo
There are also some more amazing lipstick colours that sparked my interest:
Imajo tudi zanimive šminke, ki so vzbudile moje zanimanje:


I know the packaging looks a bit cheap, but the colours of both pinks and reds look really interesting.
Saj vem, da embalaža izgleda poceni, ampak barve izgledajo zelo zanimive, tako roza kot rdeče.
You can buy W7 cosmetic here, and don’t forget to like their Facebook page.
Kozmetiko W7 lahko kupite tukaj, in pozabite všečkat njihove Facebook strani.

Have you ever tried anything from W7 cosmetics? Did I miss something amazing?
Ste že preiskusile kaj od W7? Sem izpustila kaj?
xoxo, Nyx

(3) komentarji

  1. Ooh that mascara wand looks good! Your lashes look immense with the mascara on! That lipstick is a gorgeous colour, I love it!

    Jasmine || blogsallbeautyy.blogspot.co.uk

  2. Lala's blog pravi:

    Maskara deluje super in bi jo takoj imela, tudi šminka zgleda čudovita na pogled samo se bojim da mi ne bi ravno pasala:( Drugače se pa strinjam, palteke delujejo super kot šminke in bi jih takoj imela:)
    Ravno odkrila tvoj blog in se me ne boš hitro znebila;)


  3. Jennifer Frank pravi:

    Your eyelashes look amazing, i love that shade of lipstick too.
    love Jen | Enter my Mac giveaway x

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