Še ena šminka. Ja, obsedena sem, hihi. Danes ena s spletne trgovine Born Pretty Store, Kiss me liquid lipstick #02. In ena, ki me je presenetila, tokrat ko sem jo drugič preizkusila. Zakaj? Preberite si v nadaljevanju
Another lipsticks. Yep, I’m obsessed. Today I have a one from Born Pretty Store, Kiss me liquid lipstick #02. Another one that surprised me, this time the second time I tried it. Why? Read on to see
Ko sem jo prvič nanesla na ustnice, me ni navdušila. Sej je bila lepa, šminka kot šminka to je to. Seveda sem jo prvič samo na hitrco preizkusila, da sem videla odtenek in takoj nato odstranila. Zato je bilo presenečenje toliko večje, ko sem jo prvič dejansko preizkusila, za dalj časa. Ko sem jo pustila na ustnicah nekaj časa, se je dejansko posušila v mat finiš. Tisti resnični, ta pravi mat videt. Woohoo!
When I first tried it I wasn’t impressed. It was pretty, a lipstick and that’s that. I tried it quickly for the first time, I just put it on my lips to see the colour and imediatelly removed it. So my surprise was bigger the second time I actually tried it for a longer time. When I’ve let it on on the lips for a while it actually dried into a matt finish. The real, true matte. Woohoo!
Z nanosom sem imela kar nekaj problemov, saj sem se odvadila uporabljati takšne aplikatorje in ker imam tanke ustnice, je nastal problem. Zato vam priporočam uporabo čopiča, saj se linija ustnic s tem aplikatorjem težko zariše.
I’ve had a few problems with application, since I’m not used to this kind of applicators any more and since my lips are on the thin side, there was a problem. I would recommend using a lip brush since you can hardly draw the line of your lips with this applicator.
Obstojnost je dovolj dolga. Preživi pol dneva v službi, s pazljivim hranjenjem in pitjem. Prenese tudi poljubljanje Lepljivost sicer je prisotna ob nanosu, vendar to izgine, ko se šminka posuši, kar traja par minut.
It lasts on lips a long time. It survived half a day at work with careful eating and drinking. It also lives trough kissing It is a bit sticky when applied, but this dissapears when it dries, which takes for a few minutes.
Občutek na ustnicah je rahlo izsušujoč, vendar me ko se ga navadim ne moti več. Kar me moti, je okus, Žal ima dokaj umeten sladek vonj in posledično kar močan okus, ki ga jaz čutim na ustnicah.
It is a bit drying on the lips, but when I get used to it, it doesn’t bother me any more. What does bother me is the taste. Unfortunatelly it has a fake sweet scent and because of this rather strong taste that I feel on the lips.
Barva je kričeče rdeča. Odlična za večerne ure, za moj okus pa malenkost preživa za čez dan. Ostale barve so po slikah sodeč tudi zanimive, ostale niso tako žive.
The colour is really bright red. Great for a night out but a bit too bright for the day for me. The other colours are interesting and not so bright.
Končna ocena? Vredna nakupa. Nizka cena, super obstojnost, lepe barve. Minusi? Nekaj jih je – vonj in okus ter izsušujoč občutek. Plusi odtehtajo minuse, vsaj pri meni.
Final assesment? Worth buying. Low price, long lasting and beautiful colours. Down sides? There are a few – the smell and the taste and the drying feeling. But upsides outweight dowsides at least for me.
Sem že mislila najprej da je lakec, samo pa res dobro izpade. Zanimivo;)*
Jaz sem tudi po embalaži sklepala, da gre za lakec. No pa vidim, da je prav lepa šminka ubistvu
Vauuu, super odtenek! (Tamara)