
BornPrettyStore Nail Wraps MZ1966

 Danes vam predstavljam še zadnjo izmed dobrot, ki sem jih prejela s spletne strani bornprettystore.com – nalepke za celoten noht. 
 Today I will show you the last item I received from bornprettystore.com – full nail stickers.

 Izbrala sem si nalepke, ki nosijo “ime” MZ1966, najdete pa jih tukaj. Z veseljem poročam, da so me navdušile in da imam nagledanih še par drugih vzorcev. Nanos je super enostaven, so (zame) ravno prav široke in kar je sploh super – primerne so tudi za dolge nohte. Ker imam sama trenutno kratke nohte sem uporabila zgolj polovičko vsake nalepke. Torej, nanos – izbereš željeno velikost, pritisneš na noht in odpiliš ostanek. To je to. Po želji zaščitiš z nadlakom in super lepi nohti so tu. Sama si imam namen naročiti še par, za kakšno posebno priložnost, ko ne bo časa lakirati nohtov.
 I choose nail wraps with a “name” MZ1966, that you can find here. I am happy to report I was impressed and I already have a few other patterns on my wishlist. Application is super easy and for me they are just the right width. What’s great is they are also suitable for long nails. Mine are short at the moment and I used about half of each sticker. So, application – you choose the desired size, you put it on the nail and press it down, then file down the excess. That’s it. If you wish you can put a coat of top coat above it and you have really pretty nails. I want to order a few more, for special occasions when there will be no time to do my nails.

 Prejela sem tudi promocijsko kodo za svoje bralke, če jo uporabite, dobite 10% popusta pri nakupu na spletni strani bornprettystore – pošiljajo vsepodovsod in to zastonj!!
I also received a promo code for my lovely readers, you can use it to get 10% off of your order at bornprettystore – they also ship worldwide for free!!


Xoxo, Nyx

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