
Review: Essence Fun Fair LE Blush and Cotton Candy

Pred kratkim se je v mojem poštnem nabiralniku znašlo tole:
Recently I found this in my mail box:


Od podjetja Essence sem prejela dva izdelka iz omejene kolekcije Fun Fair v oceno (preview tule).

I received two products from Essence from Fun Fair limited edition to review (preview here).

Dobila sem rdečilo za lica v odtenku 01 Ring around the rosy in dekoracijo za nohte Cotton Candy v odtenku 02 Sugar for my honey.
I got blush in 01 Ring Around the Rosy and Cotton Candy in 02 Sugar For My Honey.
Rdečilo za lica/Blush:


Tole me je totalno navdušilo! Čeprav embalaža ni meni najljubša(prozorna, izgleda lahka za zlomit, ampak se težko odpre =P), to rdečilo odtehta.

This one really blew me away! The packaging isn’t one of my favourited(it’s a see trough plastic and it looks easy to break, but opens with a lot of effort =P), the blush itself makes up for it.

Odtenek je rožnast, brez bleščic, se pa sveti na koži – meni izgleda,kot da bi bil rdečilo in osvetljevalec v enem. Na koži pusti videz naravne zardelosti, in izgleda res čudovit. 
The colour is pink, withouth shimmer, but it glows on my skin – to me it looks as if the blush would also contain highlighter. It leaves my skin looking naturally blush and it really looks wonderful!

Je super pigmentiran in se z lahkoto nanaša. Z lahkoto se ga da tudi zabrisat. Kar vidite na slikah, je en sloj =)
It is super pigmented and it applies easily. It is also easy to blend. What you see on the pictures, is just one coat 😉


Cotton Candy:

Ko sem videla tole, sem se kar malo ustrašila, saj še nikoli nisem preizkusila tega ali česa podobnega. Ampak na koncu mi je videz res všeč. 
Vem I saw this I actually got a bit scared, since I’ve never tried anything like this before. But in the end I really liked the result.

Prahec je svetlo modre barve s turkiznimi bleščicami, ki dajo manikuri tisto piko na i.
The dust is light blue with teal shimmer, that gives it that extra something.

Embalaža tega prahu je super praktična – na vrhu ima majhno odprtino, ko omogoča lažji nanos in preprečuje preveliko izsipavanje.
The packaging is super practitcal  – it has a small opening on the top, that allows easy application and prevents it to fall out too much.


Navodila za uporabo/Application instruction:

Preprosto posipaj prah po sveže nalakiranih ter še vedno mokrih nohtih, počakaj da se vse skupaj posuši – končano! 
Simply sprinkle the nail powder in rosé-pink or mint on top of freshly applied nail polish that’s still wet, allow to dry and you’re done!

Sama sem uporabila lak Esence Fall For Me iz stare MultiDimension linije kot bazo. Nanesla sem prvi sloj, počakala, da se posuši in nato na vsak noht posebej nanesla najprej lak za nohte takoj za tem pa Cotton Candy dekoracijo. Nanos je bil zaradi embalaže res enostaven in tudi prevelike packarije ni bilo – na slikah lahko vidite, koliko je šlo mimo nohta. Priporočam vam, da to manikure naredite nad listom papirja, saj nekaj gre mimo in z listom lahko to enostavno vrnete nazaj v embalažo 😉
I used Essence Fall For Me from the old MultiDimension line as a base. I put on the first coat, waited for it to dry, and then I did one nail at a time – first the nail polish and right after the Cotton Candy Nails decoration. The application was really easy thanks to the packaging and there wasn’t a lot of a mess – you can see it on the pictures. I suggest you do this mani over a piece of paper – there is a small amount of dust going around and you can easily put it back in the packaging with a paper.


Končni efekt je super! Izgleda kot oblaček 😉 Pred preizkusom sem bila mnenja, da bo to tako in tako takoj odpadlo, in ne bi se mogla bolj motit – zadeva je zacementirna na nohtih!
The end result is great! It looks like a cloud 😉 Before I tried I though this will fall off right away and I couldn’t be more wrong – it stayed put!


Zelo sem zadovoljna z obema prejetima izdelkoma in vem, da si bom kupila vsaj še drugo rdečilo za lica, pa verjetno še par drugih stvari(recimo puder v kroglicah).
I am very happy with both products received and I know I will buy myself at least the other blush, and I think a few of the other stuff too(such as the shimmer pearls).

Kaj pa ve pravite? Sta vam ta dva izdelka všeč? Kaj pa celotna kolekcija?What do you think? Do you like the two products? What about the entire limited edition?

Xoxo, Nyx

(2) komentarja

  1. Ana Kolar pravi:

    Luškan efekt na nohtih 🙂

  2. Ta prahec zgleda zanimiv 😀

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