
Summer Freshness with Avon After Shower Mist

 Poleti vsi hrepenimo po osvežujočih stvareh, po lahkih kremah z vonjem, ki ni pretežak – in jaz imam odličnega kandidata za to – AVON SENSES AWAKENING CITRUS ZING MOISTURIZING AFTER SHOWER MIST.  
 In summer we all crave some refreshment, we all want a light face cream with a scent that isn’t too heavy – and I have just the perfect candidate for it – AVON SENSES AWAKENING CITRUS ZING MOISTURIZING AFTER SHOWER MIST.

Čeprav je to krema za telo v obliki meglice, jo sama najraje uporabljam kot kremo za roke, saj je ravno prav majhna za v torbico, noro všeč mi je pa tudi aplikacija – hitro in enostavno.
Je prava poletna osvežitev! Vonj, ki mu ni para – svež, kot že samo ime pove, glavna nota so citrusi. In je zelo intenziven, ko si namažem roke, diši vsa okolica.

Even if its intended use is a body cream in a form of a mist, I mainly use it for hands, since it is just the right size to fit into a purse, and I just love the applicaton – quick and easy.
A true summer refreshment! A scent like no other – fresh and just as the name says, the main scent is citrus. The scent is also very intense, after applying it, the whole room just smells soooo good!

 Kremica je malo bolj vodena kot sem navajena – z dobrim razlogom, težko in gosto kremo bi težko spravil skozi pršilo.Se pa res lepo nanaša, z lahkoto razmaže in hitro vpije.
Iskreno, za izredno suho kožo ni najbolj primerna, saj noro vlažilnega učinka ni, je pa prijetna poletna osvežitev.

 The cream is a bit more liquid that I am used too and for a good reason – you’d hardly be able to spray a thick cream. It does apply nicely, it spreads easily and it absorbs really quickly.
Honestly, it is not the best thing for a dry skin, since there isn’t really big moisturizing effect, but it gives a nice summer freshness.

Nakupa ne obžalujem, saj obožujem ta vonj in kremo za telo v obliki meglice bi z veseljem kupila še enkrat!
I don’t regret this purchase, I just love this scent and I’d gladly buy this body mist again!

A poznate kak podoben izdelek? Ali pa kaj s podobnim vonjem?
Do you know any similar products? Or products with similar scent?


(1) komentar

  1. Ooo lušten izdelek <3.
    Bejba, ti bi lahko pisala o svojih potovanjih! 🙂

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