Ko sem v Mullerju naletela na skoraj prazno stojalo Essence Blossom dreams kolekcija, sem bila kar rahlo razočaran. Zakaj? Na stojalu je bilo namreč nekaj testerjev in osvetljevalec se mi je zdel zelo zanimiv. Je tako imenovan mavrični osvetljevalec, kar pomeni, da je v njem združenih več barv naenkrat. Pri Essence pa obljubljajo mehak sijaj. Ko pa sem naletela na polno stojalo, pa je z mano odšel še žametni svinčnik za ustnice, saj se mi je zdel zanimive barve.
When I found an empty stand of Essence Blossom dreams limited edition in Muller I was actually a bit dissapointed. Why? There were few testers on the stand and I found the highlighter quite fascinating. It’s so called rainbow highlighter, which means there are multiple colours combined in one highlighter. Essence promises soft glow. And when I finally found the whole stand of course I had to buy it, and with it also a velvet lip pencil, since I am a lip products addict and the colour seemed interesting.
Prism of Light Rainbow highlighter
Kot sem že omenila, je to mavrični osvetljevalec. Sestavljen je iz petih barv, ki se zmešajo v čudovit, nežen osvetljevalec s srebrno/belo osnovo. Čeprav so bleščice dokaj velike in opazne, mi je všeč, saj da mojim ličkom res naraven videz osvetljenosti. Edino pri nanosu je potrebna mala previdnost, da se mi na koncu na sveti celoten obraz.
As mentioned before, this is a rainbow highlighter. You can find five colours in it that mix into wonderful soft highlighter with a silver/white base. The glitters are somewhat bigger and more noticeable, but I still like it, it gives my cheeks that natural glow. I just need to be a little bit careful with the application, so I don’t end up with my whole face shining.
Kiss from a Rose Velvet Lip Pencil
Jumbo svinčnik za ustnice, ki me je prepričal tako z barvo kot z mehkobo. Je namreč izredno mehak in po ustnicah kar zdrsi. Začudilo me je dejstvo, da niso ošiljeni na špic, ampak so na koncu sploščeni. Glede na to, da so bili ob mojem obisku stojala, tudi testerji še neuporabljeni, sem sklepala, da je to nalašč narejeno. Obstojnost? Je nekje povprečna, na meni svinčnik zdrži do 8ur, če seveda vmes nič ne jem, prehranjevanja pa ne preživi. Ima pa kar močan vonj, ki je zame sicer prijeten, diši po vaniliji zmešani s cvetlicami, ampak občutljivkam je lahko ta vonj premočan.
Jumbo lip pencil that convinced me with both, the colour and its softness. It is extremelly soft and it just glides along the lips. I was surprised by the fact that it doesn’t have a pointy tip, they are flatened at the end. Since I found a brand new limite edition stand and even the testers weren’t used I concluded that this is done on purpose. It stays on my lips around 8 hours if I don’t eat anything, but it doesn’t survive eating. The smell is rather strong. It’s pleasant for me, it smells like vanilla mixed with flowers, but for the sensitive ones it might be too strong.
Jumbo lip pencil that convinced me with both, the colour and its softness. It is extremelly soft and it just glides along the lips. I was surprised by the fact that it doesn’t have a pointy tip, they are flatened at the end. Since I found a brand new limite edition stand and even the testers weren’t used I concluded that this is done on purpose. It stays on my lips around 8 hours if I don’t eat anything, but it doesn’t survive eating. The smell is rather strong. It’s pleasant for me, it smells like vanilla mixed with flowers, but for the sensitive ones it might be too strong.
Barvno je prekrasna temnejša, a vseeno živahna rožnata. Všeč mi je, saj ima mat zaključek. Je tudi zelo prekrivna, z enim potegom namreč dosežem popolno prekrivnost.
Colourwise it is gorgeous darker but still vibrat rose. I like that it has a matte finish. It is also very covering, with one swipe I achieve perfect coverage.
Končna ocena:
Oba izdelka sta mi res všeč in priporočam nakup, saj sta za to ceno kvalitetna in sama vem, da ju bom redno uporabljala.
Final verdict:
I really like both products and I do recommend purchase. The quality for this price is great and I know I’ll use them regularly.
Je katera izmed vas preizkusila kaj iz te kolekcije? Sem zgrešila kaj nujno potrebnega?
Have you tried anything from this limited edition? Did I miss something good?
Xoxo, A.
Tudi meni je tale svinčnik super, ker ne izsuši ustnic (kar sem od njega pričakovala), pa še bolj obstojen je od klasične šminkice. Lepe fotke, kot vedno 🙂