
ABC Challenge: Q – Chanel Quartz + nail art

Q is such a hard letter, but luckily I found a polish that starts with a Q. It’s Chanel Quartz. I’ve had this polish from quite some time and never got to try it so this was a great opportunity for that 😉
Q je težka črka, ampak na srečo mi je uspelo najti lak, katerega ime se začne na črko Q. To je Chanel Quartz. Ta lak imam že kar nekaj časa in nikoli ga nisem niti preiskusila, tako da je bila to odlična priložnost za to 😉


This is two coats of nail polish, and the application was really easy. It dried fast.
To sta dva sloja laka in nanos je bil zelo enostaven. Posušil se je hitro.


Colour…it’s hard to describe. I think it’s amazing! Somewhere between brown/gold/taupe/silver – it all depends on the light. Mainly it’s gold with silver shimmer. I was surprised that brush strokes weren’t as visible as you would expect from such a polish.
Barvo…je zelo težko opisat. Menim, da je čudovita! Je nekje med rjavo/zlato/taupe/srebrno – vse je odvisno od svetlobe. Večinoma je zlata s srebrnim šimerjem. Bila sem presenečena, saj se črte od čopiča niso poznale tako zelo kot bi pričakoval od takega laka.


I liked this polish so much I decided to add some nail art and wear it <3 And I did – I stamped with China glaze Millenium from M65 plate.
Ta lak mi je bil tako všeč, da sem se odločila, da dodam nekaj nail art-a in ga nosim <3 Tako sem naštempljala vzorček s M65 šablone s China glaze Millenium lakom.


What do you think? Do you like this polish and my nail art?
Kaj menite? Vam je všeč ta lak in moj nail art?
xoxo, Nyx

(8) komentarjev

  1. Uau, res je prelep 🙂

  2. Kalina Eneva pravi:

    Gorgeous nail polish and I love the nail art you did! Amazing <3

    Kisses, Kali

  3. Desirèe D'Aloia pravi:
  4. Albertine Brandon pravi:

    Love the nail polish and the art looks amazing!

  5. Nazh San. pravi:

    Great post! gorgeous nail polish <3

  6. Molly pravi:

    Ooo, that's an interesting color, I've never seen anything like it before! I love the final result with the silver over it!


  7. OMG, stunning shades and amazing nail art! I have never tried stamping because I don't know how. I need to find a tutorial.

  8. What a beautiful color and art work. I don't own any Chanel nail polishes yet. I need some in my life. Thanks for sharing <3

    xo Brigette brigetteramos.com

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