



L’oreal Color Riche Laetitia’s Pure Red


 Today I’m showing you a lipstick by L’oreal Color Riche Laetitia’s Pure Red. It is a part of Collection Exclusive Pure Reds. To tell you the truth, the moment I saw this lipstick in the store, I fell in love with them and I hope to get at least one or two more. The packaging is absolutely gorgeous black box with gold inbetween. It looks really elegant!


 Danes vam predstavljam šminko L’oreal Color Riche Laetitia’s Pure Red. Je del Collection Exclusive Pure Red kolekcije. Če povem po resnici, sem se v te šminke zaljubila v trenutku, ko sem jih videla v trgovini in upam, da bom imela še vsaj eno ali dve. Zapakirana je v čudovito črno škatlico z zlatimi dodatki. Izgleda zelo elegantno!


Laetitia’s Pure Red is a dark red lipstick with purple undertones. On my lips it looks more purple than red. But I like it. It is absolutely amazing as far as pigmentation goes, I needed only one coat. Staying time is nice, even though it wears off, it leaves the lips stained. When I swatched it on my hand it wouldn’t come completely off, no matter what I did(the picture is taken after I cleaned my hand with a cleaning wipe, washed it and went around for around half a day, and when I got home this was still there).


Laetitia’s Pure Red je temno rdeča šminka z vijola podtoni. Na meni izgleda bordo rdeča, potegne bolj na vijolično. Meni je zelo všeč. Kar se pigmentacije tiče, je odlična, potrebuje namreč en nanos. Na ustnicah ostane kar nekaj časa in, čeprav zbledi z ustnic, jih pusti obarvane. Ko sem jo preiskusila na roki, je nikakor nisem uspela spraviti dol, ne glede na to, kaj sem naredila(slikano je po odstranjevanju s čistilnim robčkom in umivanje, ter po hojenju naokoli pol dneva. Ko sem prišla domov je bil madež še vedno na roki).


I really love this lipstick, I’m so happy I got it! What do you think about it? And what’s the next shade I should buy?
Meni je ta šminka zelo všeč in sem zelo vesela, da sem jo kupila! Kaj pa ve menite o njej? Kateri odtenek naj si še privoščim?

xoxo, Nyx

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