



Review: Essence Make me pretty LE Precise eyeshadow brush & Concealer brush

 Čeprav so mi všeč prav vsi čopiči iz te kolekcije – pisani, luškani in še s sporočilom – sem kupila samo dva, čopič za korektor in za natančen nanos senčila.

 I really liked all of the brushes from this limited edition – I mean, they are colorfull, cute and with a note – I only bougt two, concealer brush and precise eyeshadow brush.


 Embalaža: Všeč mi je, da pridejo vsak v svojem plastičnem prozornem ovitku. V ovitku je zraven čopiča tudi listič, na katerem je na zadnji strani napisano, kako čopič uporabiti in kateri čopič sploh je, na sprednji strani pa je napisano pozitivno sporočilce.


 Packaging: I love how they each come in its own plastic seetrough cover. Beside te brush there is also a strip of paper on which on the back there is written which brush it is and how to use it, and on the front there is a possitive message.


CONCEALER BRUSH 01 Beauty is my bussiness


Tega čopiča sem si res želela, saj pravega čopiča za korektor (še) nimam. Ta je modre barve, tako držalo kot ščetine. Držalo ima črtast vzorec. Meni je čopič všeč. Ščetine so mehke, da se ga držati in uporabljati – zame je držalo ravno prave velikosti in debeline. Zame je odličen predvsem za pod očmi, saj je idealne oblike za to. Prav tako je dovolj nežen za uporabo pod očmi. Za kožne nepravilnosti pa se mi zdi malenkost preširok.


 I really wanted this brush, since I never had a proper concealer brush. The bristles and holder are both blue in colour and the pattern on this one is zigzag. I like this brush. The bristles are soft, it is easy to hold and use – for me the holder is just the right size in shape and lenght. For me it’s perfect for under the eyes, since it is ideally shaped for it. It is also gentle enough to use it under the eyes. For skin imperfections I find it a bit big.




 Tega nisem imela namena kupit, dokler ga nisem zagledala v trgovini. Zdel se mi je zanimiv, pa sem ga vzela. Pritegnil me je s svojimi ščetinami, ki so goste, dolge in ozke. Tudi te ščetine so mehke, vendar dovolj trdne za natančen nanos senčila. Uporabljam ga predvsem za notranje kotičke oči, pod očmi in pa v očesnem pregibu.


 I had no intention of buying this brush until I saw it in the store. I thought it was interesting so I took it. It draw my eye with its bristles, which are dense, long and narrow. This ones are also soft, but firm enough to be precise. I use it mostly for the inside corners of the eyes, under the eyes and in the crease.


 Vesela sem, da sem kupila ta dva čopiča. Meni sta všeč, saj ne samo, da lepo izgledata, sta tudi uporabna. Malo obžalujem, da nisem kupila ovitka za čopiče, ampak mogoče ga pa še kje najdem 😉
 I am happy I bought this two brushes. I like them, they are not just cute but also usefull. I regret a bit not buying the brush case but I still might find it somewhere 😉

Kaj ste pa ve kupile s te omejene kolekcije? Mi kaj priporočate?
What did you get from this limited edition? Is there anything you recommend?
Xoxo, Nyx

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