
Herbio AHA Fruit Peeling Mask

 Tale encimski piling je zadnje čase moja stalnica. V trenutku, ko sem ga preizkusila sem bila navdušena.
 This enzym peeling is a constat for me lately. The moment I tried it I was really impressed.

Najprej si poglejmo sestavine:
Let’s look at the ingredients first:

ethylhexyl stearate – emollient that prevents water loss,
kaolin – used in cleaners, help with acne 
dicaprylyl ether – a skin conditioner, emollient, smooths and softens the skin
pentylene glycol – has moisture-binding and antimicrobal properties
glyceryl stereate – lubricant; prevents the loss of water – it forms a barrier on skin’s surface
sodium lactate – acts antimicrobial
cetyl alcohol – emollient, emulsifier, thickener and carrying agent for other ingredients contained in a cosmetic solution
stearic acid – fragrance ingredient, surfactant and emulsifier
potassium cetyl phosphate –  a surfactant and emulsifying agent, cleansing agent
arachis hypogaea (peanut) oil – skin conditioning agent

Skin conditioning agent – occlusive

hydrogenated palm glyceride – skin conditioning agent and emollient
glycerin – is very useful. It has an ability to attract water, helping the surface layers of skin increase the amount of it. It is also a subtsance found naturally in skin. It is one of the substances in skin that prevents dryness.
bisabolol – Works as a skin conditioning agent. It enhances the appearance of dehydrated or damaged skin by reducing dry flaking and restoring suppleness to the skin
lactic acid – exfoliant; AHA acid
xanthan gum – prevents oil separation in formulas and helps suspending particles
citrus medicalimonum (lemon) fruit extract– gives skin nutritients
parfum (frangance) – is a little bit worrying. There’s a bunch of different ingredients that can be listed under the name parfum, so if you have really sensitive skin and/or allergies, this might be the deal breaker for you.
daucus carota sativa (carrot) root extract – keeps the skin soft and elatic
isopropyl myristate – emollient, thickening agent or lubricant
cucumis sativus (cucumber) fruit extract – skin conditioning agent

Navodila za uporabo:
 Dvakrat tedensko nanesemo piling na očiščen obraz in pustimo delovati 10min, nato nežno izperemo.
 Put peeling on clean face twice a week, leave on for 10min and then gently wash it off.


 Sama embalaža mi ni tako všeč, predvsem zato, ker sem nerodna. V bistvu ima luknjica, skozi katero izstisnem piling, zamašek. Česar pa jaz kar dolgo nisem ugotovila in sem mislila, da je to v osnovi to, torej odprtina. In vsakič, ko sem stisnila… no ja, ni bilo ravno najbolj lepo 😉 Drugače (ko sem ugotovila, kako se zadeva dejansko uporablja =P) se da izdelek z lahkoto dobiti iz embalaže ravno v pravi količini. Pumpica je super, brez bojazni, da bi jo stisnila po pomoti ali pa da bi se mi zlomila.


 The packaging itself isn’t a favourite of mine, but that’s my fault. The little hole has a plug. I didn’t figure it out at first and I thought the plug was essentially the hole. And everytime I pressed the pumpto get some product out… well, it wasn’t pretty 😉 Othervise (when I figured out how to use it correctly =P )the pump is really efficient, you can squeeze out the exact amount you want to. The pump is great, no fear I’d squeeze it by mistake or it’d break.

 Prva stvar, ki sem jo opazila, je vonj! Piling namreč čudovito diši – sadno, citrusno, poletno!
The first thing I noticed was the smell. The peeling smells wonderfull – fruity, of citruses, like summer!

 Piling maska je nežno rumene barve, ki pa se ob nanosu razgubi in se na koži ne opazi. Je dokaj goste konsistence in se z lahkoto nanese, namaže in razmaže. Vonj se ob nanosu ne razgubi.
The mask is softly yellow, but the colour isn’t visible after applying. Is it rather thick and it applies and spreads easily. You can still smell it even after application.

 Občutek na koži je super! Moje kože ne draži, ni iritacij,… Po uporabi se moja zmešana koža počuti super 😉 Nahranjena, povrhnjica se ne lušči, koža je mehka in sijoča – ampak ne mastna. Ob uporabi se koža umiri in ni več rdeča in me ne peče več. 
 The feeling on the skin is great! It doesn’t irritate my skin. My skin feels great after I use it 😉 Nourished, it doesn’t peel and flake, it’s soft and radiant – but not greasy. It calmes my skin, which is not red and burning anymore.

Resnično priporočam tale izdelek vsem, mene je res navdušil! Herbio ima tudi ogromno drugih super izdelkov, predlagam, da si njihovo ponudbo same ogledate – klik. Tale piling maska stane 9,95€, kar glede na porabo, ni dosti. 
Unfortunatelly Herbio doesn’t ship outside of Slovenia – for now.

Ste že preizkusile kak Herbio izdelek? Mi kaj posebej priporočate?
Xoxo, Nyx

***PR product

(3) komentarji

  1. Lepo, da se tako spoznaš na sestavine. Sama bi se tudi rada začela, vendar ne vem kje naj začnem, ko je toliko vsega. Imaš mogoče kakšne nasvet zame? 🙂

  2. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Jaz ti predlagam, da vneseš v google sestavino, ki te zanima, pa potem probaš čimveč prebrat o njej… Čez čas boš sama ugotovila približno, kaj je ok, kaj ni. Meni ok strani so drugače Truth in Aging, tudi Paula's Choice ima luškan "Ingredient dictionary". Jaz si pač vsako sestavino, ki mi je nova potem napišem v poseben zvezek, pa kaj/zakaj je =) Upam, da sem ti kaj pomagala.
    Xoxo, Nyx

  3. Hvala za nasvet 🙂

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