
Lippie Monday: BornPrettyStore Pot Lipgloss/Lipstick #9

You may have noticed I don’t post as often as I used to. The reason behind this is my health. Last two months I’ve had great problems with my health and I just didn’t have the time and energy to write decent blog posts – even the ones I did post I’m not entirely happy with. Luckily, everything is in order now and I’m back again 😉


Danes vam predstaljam šminko v lončku, ki sem jo kupila na spletni strani BornPrettyStore
Today I will show you lipstick in a pot that I bought on BornPrettyStore.

 Kot že rečeno, je šminka v lončku, kar meni osebno ni najbolj pri srcu, saj če jo želim uporabiti potrebujem čopič, nad prenašanjem le-tega naokoli pa nisem najbolj navdušena 😉 Drugače je embalaža navadna prozorna plastika s črnim pokrovčkom, nič posebnega, ampak močna, se ne zlomi hitro.

 As I’ve said, the lipstick is in a pot, which is not my favourite thing of them all, since I have to use a brush with it and I’m not really fond of carrying it around with me 😉 Otherwise the packaging is standard see trough plastic with black lid, nothing special, but sturdy, it doesn’t break easily.

Barva je malenkost temnejša rdeča, brez bleščic,z malenkost roza pridihom. 
The colour is a bit darker red, no glitters, with a hint of pink.

 Nanos je super lahek, saj že z enim nanosom čopiča zajamem dovolj barve za eno ustnico. Z večimi sloji se da barvo tudi slojiti – postane bolj živa.

 The application is super easy, since one swipe of the brush is enough for one part of the lips. With multiple layers it can be layered – the colour becomes more vibrant.
 Na ustnicah je malenkost izsušujoča. Sicer ustnic vidno ne izsuši, imela pa sem občutek suhih ustnic, kar sem hitro rešila z nanosom balzama za ustnice preko šminke. Obstojnost je dokaj dobra, vsaj par ur, in še potem je vidna barva – sem imela velike probleme odstranit swatch na roki =)
 It is a bit drying on the lips. It doesn’t visibly dry the lips, but I had a feeling of dry lips, that I quickly fixed with a bit of lipbalm over the lipstick. It lasts at least a few hours and after you can still se the stain – I’ve had big problems removing the swatch from my arm.
 Tole je moj prvi BornPrettyStore make up izdelek, do sedaj sem kupovala le izdelke za nohte. Tako da z veseljem prisluhnem vašim predlogom, kaj se še splača preizkusit 😉 Pri nakupu lahko uporabite mojo kodo za 10% popust:


 This is my first BornPrettyStore make up product, I only bouth nail stuff so far. So I’m happy to hear your suggestion what to try 😉 You can also use my 10% off coupon code written above.

Xoxo, Nyx

(14) komentarjev

  1. What a lovely shade.

    I hope you're feeling better.


  2. I don't think I knew that Born Pretty sold makeup. I love that red, but I can't use anything drying on my already dry lips. The color looks perfect on you 🙂

  3. Elaine Atkins pravi:

    Hope you're feeling better! That lipstick looks amazing on you – great colour!

  4. Remedy Genie pravi:

    This is a nice product and good review! I don't mind pot lipsticks but agree that they are annoying to carry around and reapply.

  5. Tiffany Kay pravi:

    I absolutely love this shade, and it looks amazing on you!

  6. That is such a gorgeous colour, definitely a colour I would wear.

    Hope you're feeling better soon xxx

  7. Shahneela Shamim pravi:

    Great that your health is better now :)…
    The color is awesome but I am not fan of lipsticks in pot…

  8. Zanimivo, nisem vedela, da obstajajo šminke v lončku! 🙂 Drugače ja, embalaža tudi meni ne bi bila ravno vredu, s čopičem sem še bolj štorasta. Je pa čudovit odtenek!

  9. I'm also not a fan of lipsticks pot (although I really don't use lippies frequently). The shade looks good though.

  10. I love the shade, your lips are very pretty! 🙂

  11. Ursula Ball pravi:

    Love your lip review…the shade looks great on you! I hope you feel better soon!

    Ursula aka Blueridge Beauty

  12. I love the shade and the best part is easy to apply!

  13. I can see why it'd be annoying to wear out as you'd need to bring it with a brush to reapply! It is, however, a stunning colour! xx

    Jasmine || http://www.blogsallbeautyy.blogspot.co.uk

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