
W7 Mega Matte Lips liquid lipsticks

Pa smo spet pri ustnicah. Tokrat vam predstavljam tri mat tekoče šminke iz spletne trgovine Moja ličila. W7 Mega Matte Lips so tekoče šminke, ki obljubljajo kremasto teksturo, močno pigmentiranost, dolgo obstojnost in super občutek na ustnicah.
Here we go again with lip products. This time I have three matte liquid lipsticks to show you, that I got form the webstore Moja ličila. W7 Mega Matte Lips are liquid lipsticks, that promise creamy texture, strong pigmentation, long lasting and great feeling on the lips.

Sama embalaža ni nič posebnega, so pa zame ravno prave velikosti za v torbico. Odpirajo in zapirajo se trdno in nimam strahu, da bi se kje kaj odlomilo ali zlomilo. Vonj je kar močan, na srečo mi vsi trije dišijo, imajo namreč sladek vonj, po vaniliji.
The packaging itself is nothing special, but they are just the right size to put in the purse. They open and close really sturdy and I’m not afraid anything would break. The smell is quite strong, luckily they smell good to me, a sweet, vanilla like scent.


Tekstura in nanos sta pri vsem treh enaka. Na ustnicah se obutijo zelo mehko, nanos pa je dokaj neproblematičen, je pa vseeno potrebno nekaj previdnosti. Ob prvem nanosu sem bila zelo razočarana, saj sem pričakovala takojšnje sušenje, kar pa tukaj ne drži – potrebujejo lep čas, da se posušijo, jaz, ko jih uporabljam, najprej nanesem šminko, nato pa grem na ličenje oči. Ko pa se le posušijo, pa ostanejo na ustnicah, z malenkostnim bledenjem so preživele tudi razna kosila in podobno.
The texture and application is the same in all three. They feel really soft on the lips, the application is quite problem-free, but some caution is recommended. I was really dissapointed the first time I tried it, since I was expecting it to be instantly dry, but this is not the case here – they need wuite a while to completelly dry and now I firstly apply lipstick and then do the eye make up. When they do dry, they stay put, they even survived a few lunches and stuff with some minor fading.





Hasta la Vista

Zadovoljna! Edini minus je dolg čas sušenja, ampak ga  sprejmem glede na obstojnost! Vsekakor priporočam nakup in že razmišljam, katera bo moja naslednja barva!
Satisfied! The only downside is the longer drying time but I accept it in relation to the staying power. I do recommend purchase and I’m already thinking which my next colour will be.
Xoxo, A.

**this post includes PR product provided for honest review**

(1) komentar

  1. Amber Rot pravi:

    Super objava! Obožujem tekoče šminke tako da moram tele obvezno sprobati <3

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