
The Best New Year’s Eve lips with ArtDeco

Še malo pa bo napočil čas za najdaljšo noč v letu. Seveda je za posebno noč primerno tudi posebno ličenje. Danes je na vrsti moj predlog za najlepše in najbolj posebne ustnice. Za ta videz potrebuješ dva izdelka iz najbolj praznične kolekcije to leto – ArtDeco Crystal Garden, ki jo je navdihnila lepota kristalov, Swarovski kristalov. Celotna kolekcija je v znamenju bleščečega glamurja, cvetoče energije, pozabili pa niso tudi na še zmeraj zaželjene mat šminke.
There’s only a little time left until New Year’s Eve. Of course such a special night calls for a special make up look. Today I have the prettiest and most special lip look for you. For this look you need only two products from the most festive collection this year, ArtDeco Crystal Garden, inspired by the beauty of the crystals, Swarovski crystals. Entire collection is marked by dazzling glamour, flower energy and they haven’t forgoten about the still popular matte lipsticks.
Moja prva izbira je, seveda, rdeča mat šminka, prekrasen odtenek po imenu 127 Hibiscus Blossom. Šminka, ki je resnično popolna za ta praznični čas, me je v trenutku očarala. Malenkost temnejša rdeča, ki ne izsuši ustnic. Obstojnost? Dokaj dobra, presenetljivo. Če sem pridna in previdna, ostane na meni skoraj cel dan. Zelo mi je všeč oblika šminke, saj s tankim robom z lahkoto narišem rob ustnic, nato pa ga zapolnim. Tekstura je odlična, mehka, sama šminka pa diši po vaniliji.
My first choice is, of course, a matte red lipstick, gorgeous shade that has a name 127 Hibiscus Blossom. Lipstick, perfect for this festive time, has instantly charmed me. A slightly darker red that doesn’t dry out the lips. Staying power? Surprisingly good. If I am carefull and good, I can wear it almost whole day. I love the shape of the lipstick, I use the thin edge to outline the lips and then I fill it out. The texture is great, soft, and the lipstick smells like vanilla.

Tisto piko na pa bo mojim ustnicam dal prav poseben izdelek, katerega sem se zelo veselila preizkusit, hkrati pa sem bila neizmerno skeptična – Powder Lip Finish, puder v prahu, ki vsakšno šminku v hipu spremeni v iskrečo mavrico. Ne po opisu, ne po promo fotki si nisem znala ravno predstavljat, kaj točno ta izdelek je.
The finishing touch to the look will be given by a special product that I was very happy but at the same time I was immeasurable sceptical to try – Powder Lip Finish, loose powder, that changes every lipstick into shiny rainbow. Not by the description, not by promo shots I couldn’t figure out what this product actually is. 

No, sedaj vem. Je prekrasen prah, ki dejansko ustnice spremeni v bleščečo mavrico. Seveda je nanos za vsak dan časovno prezahteven, a za posebne priložnosti se splača potrudit. Hranjenja ne bo preživel, vendar na srečo ne škoduje zdravju. Je unikaten izdelek, na našem tržišču ni moč najti ničesar podobnega.
Well, now I know. It’s a gorgeous powder that changes my lips into dazzling rainbow. Of course application is too time consuming for everyday but for special occasions it is worth trying. It doesn’t survive food and luckily it isn’t harmful. A unique product, there isn’t anything similar on our market.


Kakšen bo pa vaš videz za najdaljšo noč tega leta?
What will your make up be for the longest night of the year?
Xoxo, A.
**some items are PR products provided for honest review** 

(3) komentarji

  1. Thee Lovingrose pravi:

    Such a cute way to spice up one a lipstick and this color is gorgeous on you! I think it might fit everyone too, that is my opinion. Love your content and pictures. Also, follow for follow, I would love support each other!

    XOXO – Thee Lovingrose

    1st GIVEAWAY OF TEETH WHITENING: (Check out the bottom of the post about how to enter!) 

  2. These products sound amazing! Love that bright red lipstick!
    xo Jessica

  3. RKCSouthern pravi:

    I agree classic red is the BEST NYE color! It's so pretty and classic and everyone looks amazing in red lipstick!

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