
Top products of 2015: Nail polish

 Danes je čas, da si pogledamo top 5 lakov za nohte leta 2015 po mojem izboru.
 Today it’s time to see what my top 5 nail polishes were in 2015.

Jessica Bohemian Rhapsody

 Ker je že samo ime dovolj, da obožujem ta lak za nohte. Potem pa pride dejstvo, da je polno prekriven z enim slojem, hitro sušeč in enostaven za nanašanje. In barva je prekrasna. Temnejša zeleno modra. Na kratko, tole je lakec, ki ga morate imeti!
 It’s name alone is enough for me to love this nail polish. And then there is also the fact that it’s opaque in one coat, dries quickly and easy to apply. And the colour is gorgous. Darker teal. In short, you need this nail polish!

OPI A Grape Affair

 Temno vijolična, ki me je prevzela že s prvim nanosom. Kot del Coca cola kolekcije je tale lak za nohte tista popolna vijola, ki je nujna za vsako lakoholičarko. Vem, da ima OPI podobno takšnih odtenkov, tale pa se pohvali ne samo z lepo barvo ampak tudi z dvoslojnostjo, enostavnim nanosom in brzinskim sušenjem.
 Dark purple that stole my heart with first application. Part of Coca cola collection this nail polish represents the perfect purple, necessary for each and every polish maniac. I know OPI has some similar shades, but this one does not only have the beautiful colour but it’s also twocoater with easy application and fast drying.

Alessandro Black Diamond

 O tem laku je bilo že govora tukaj. Še vedno sem enako navdušena, še vedno je moj lepotec za posebne priložnosti.  Neverjetno hitro sušenje, trije sloji samostojno ali pa kot nadlak. To je lak, ki ga moroate imeti!

 I’ve already showed you this beauty here. I’m still equally impressed, it still is my beauty for special occasions. Incredibly fast drying, three coats on its own or as top coat. This really is a must-have!

Avon desire

 Popolnost nude laka, ki je občasno nujno potrebna. 2 sloja, enostaven nanos, ekspresno sušenje. Včasih, ko potrebuješ premor med vsemi barvami, ali pa nekaj “službeno primernega”, no tale lak za nohte je moja prva izbira.
 The perfection of nude nail polish that occassionally is neccessary. 2 coats, easy application, express drying. Sometimes you need a break from all the colour or you need something “work appropriate” and this nail polish is my first choice.

Golden Rose 79

  Tista  ta prava seksi rdeča, ki je za moje pojme nujna pri vsaki ženski, ne samo pri lakoholičarkah. 1 sloj in čista popolnost. Malenkost počasnejše sušenje, kot pri ostalih, ampak nič predolgega ali motečega. Priporočam!!
 The real sexy red, which is if you ask me a necessity for every woman. 1 coat and pure perfection. A bit longer drying time then the rest, but it’s not too long. I recommend!!

 Kateri pa so vaši top lakci prejšnjega leta? 
 What are your top nail polishes of previous year?

Hvala za ogled,
Thanks for watching,

xoxo, Nyx

(3) komentarji

  1. Alessandro zmaga <3

  2. Steff Troubetas pravi:

    Oo the black diamond is very pretty so is the golden rose 🙂

  3. Kallia Manika pravi:

    OPI nail polishes are life! Currently using them and they stay on for a while and without chipping!

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