
Love Beauty Fair in Ljubljana

Ta vikend sem obiskala sejem kozmetike na domači tleh, tu pri nas, v Sloveniji:
Love Beauty, sejem kozmetike in lepote
Veseli me, da se lepotna industrija razvija tudi pri nas in iskreno lahko povem, da se mi zdi napredek iz lani na letos ogromen! Lani sem sejem zapustila mešanih občutkov, letos pa sem bila navdušena in štiri ure so minile kot bi mignil. Kdo in zakaj me je navdušil, pa v nadaljevanju!
I visited a beauty fair here, in Slovenia, this weekend:
Love Beauty, cosmetics and beauty fair
I am really happy that beauty industry is evolving here too, and I can honestly say that the progress from last to this year is enormous! I left the fair with mixed feelings last year, but this year I was impressed and four hours went by in a flash. Who and why impressed me, follows bellow.

Slovenska znamka, ki je zelo uspešna v tujini, se končno vrača nazaj v Slovenijo! Najprej zgolj po spletu, kmalu pa tudi fizično v trgovinah. Slovensko, naravno, z luštno embalažo in kvalitetno? Prosim, ja!
Internationally succesfull Slovenian brand is finally returning back to Slovenia. At first only online, but soon they will also be in different stores across the country. Slovenian, natural, with cute packaging and of good quality? Yes, please!

Novost pri dekorativni kozmetiki v Sloveniji prihaja s Poljske, ki me je navdušila s svojo pigmentiranostjo in odtenki pudrov, ki so primerni tudi za nas, ta svetle!
A new brand of make up in Slovenia comes from Poland. It impressed me with its pigmentation and the foundation shades, that are great for us, pale ones too!

Ali ko te razvajajo kar na sejmu. Živalim prijazna, veganska in naravna. Kozmetika, ki stremi k osebnemu pristopu, individualnem svetovanju in kvalitetni negi kože. Sama sem se spretnim rokam njihove kozmetičarke prepustila kar tam, na sejmu in vesela sem, da je tako. Ne samo, da se mi je res posvetila, odlično mi je tudi razložila, kako in zakaj uporabi kateri izdelek.
Or, when you are pampered at the fair. Animal friendly, vegan and natural. Brand, that focuses on personal aproach, individual counseling and quality skin care. I left in the skilful hands of their beautifican right there, at the fair, and I am very happy I did so. Not only did she really focused on me, she also presented the products extremelly well, and told me why to use them, how and when.

Nekaj azijskega. Znamka, ki je širše najbolj poznana po svojih BB kremah, je mene pritegnila predvsem s svojimi papirnatimi maskami. Seveda ne škodi, da sem našla primeren odtenek BB kreme tudi zase.
Something from Asia. A brand that is primarly known for its BB creams, got my interest because of their sheet masks. It doesn’t hurt that I found the perfect shade of the BB cream for myself, tho.

Nekaj s slovenskega primorja. Čeprav imajo samo tri izdelke za nego kože, so vsi trije pritegnili mojo pozornost. Krema iz artičoke? O, ja!
Something from Slovenian coast. They have only three skin care products, but their really got my attention. Artichoke cream? O, yes!

Krema, narejena posebej za mojo kožo? Po mojih meritvah, ob pogovoru o tem, kaj točno moja koža dejansko potrebuje? Sanjsko!
A face cream, made especially for my skin? Measured right then and there, together with a talk about what my skin need exactly? Dreamy!

Pa še več slik, za vse, ki se sejma niste udeležile.
And a few more pictures for everyone that didn’t attend the fair.

Kaj mi je najbolj všeč? Dejstvo, da sem lahko večino izdelkov, ki sem jih preizkusila, tudi kupila. Skupaj s posebnimi sejemskimi popusti in osebnim svetovanjem strokovnjakov. Zagotovo pridem naslednje leto spet!
Kako se je pa vam zdel sejem? Ga boste prihodnje leto tudi obiskale?
What did I like the most? The fact that I was able to buy most of the products I tested right then and there. Together with fair discounts and personal counseling of the experts. For sure I will be there next year again! What did you think about the fair? Will you be there next year?

Xoxo, A.

(1) komentar

  1. Alchemy in Alterskin delujeta zanimivo. 😀

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