



How do I start my mornings?

Dobro jutro 😉
Good Morning 😉


Mislim, da je končno čas, da vam pokažem, kako izgledajo moja jutra. Na srečo mi zgodnja vstajanja ne povzročajo (pre)velikih težav, tudi na dela prost dan se ponavadi vstanem okoli sedmih. Moj dan se, seveda, začne s pretegovanjem v postelji. Obožujem posteljo in svojo(najino) spalnico, saj je točno takšna, kot sem si jo zamislila. Moja želja je namreč bila črna-bela kombinacija s sivimi odtenki. Uspela je odlično in priznam, da sem neizmerno ponosna, kako nama je uspel vzorec na steni.  Spalnico sem se odločila polepšati z dodatki QUOTELIFE, ki odlično dopolnijo mojo črno belo kombinacijo.
I think it is finally time for me to show you what my mornings look like. Luckily getting up early isn’t a problem for me, even when I don’t have to work, I wake up around seven in the morning. My day, of course, starts with a good stretch in bed. I love the bed and my(our) bed, it is exactly the way I imagined it. My wish was a black and white combination with grey shades. It turned out great and I have to admit I am extremelly proud how the pattern on the wall turned out. I’ve decided to embellish the bedroom with QUOTELIFE accessories that perfectly complement my black and white combination.

Postelji sledi obisk kopalnice, kjer preživim kar nekaj časa. Najprej je na vrsti ustna higiena in higiena zob, ki ji polagam ogromno pozornosti, saj obožujem občutek čistih zob. Zobe si temeljito umijem dvakrat na dan, zjutraj in zvečer, vmes pa si jih ponavadi, in če je možno, na hitro sščetkam še po kosilu. Umivanje začnem z žličkanjem jezika – z žličko nežno potegnem po jeziku, da odstranim nečistoče, ki so se nabrale ponoči. To delam samo zjutraj in res pazim, da sem nežna.
After bed it is time to visit the bathroom, where a spend quite a while. First, it is time for mouth and teeth hygiene. I put a lot of effort and attention to it, I really love the feeling of freshly cleaned teeth. I wash my teeth thoroughly twice a day, in the morning and in the evening and usually I give them a quick brush sometime inbetween, around lunch. I start my routine with cleaning my tongue with a spoon – really gently I brush my tounge with a spoon to clean any impurities that might have accumulated troughout the night. I do this only in the mornings and I am very carefull and very gentle with it.

Nato sledi umivanje zob, pri čemer imam tri nepogrešljive pripomočke – zobno ščetko, zobno pasto in KARBONOIR. Se sprašuješ, kaj to je? Karbonoir je pripomoček pri umivanju zob, za čistejše in bolj bele zobe. Organski, okolju in živalim prijazni izdelek, ki vsebuje zgolj aktivirano kokosovo oglje v prahu. Zob ob uporabi ne poškoduje, prav tako ni škode, če ga malo pojemo, super pa je tudi, da ne pušča madežev na umivalniku!
Then I proceed to teeth washing, for which I have three essentials – a tooth brush, a tooth paste and KARBONOIR. Are you wondering what that is? Karbonoir is a tooth cleaning accessory, for cleaner and whiter teeth. Organic, animal and environment friendly, that contains only activated coconut dust coal. It doesn’t damage the teeth, it isn’t damaging if we eat a little of eat and another great thing – it doesn’t leave spots on the sink.

Črni prah za bele zobe. Pa deluje? Moje iskreno mnenje je, da čudežev ni za pričakovat, snežno belih zob na naraven način ni mogoče dobiti – govorim o tisti umetni belini, kateri se iz helikopterja vidi, da je umetna. Definitivno pa Karbonoir pripomore k bolj belim zobem, hkrati pa je ta belina še zmeraj naravnega videza. Ne samo, da so zobje bolj beli, takšnega občutka čistih zob že dolgo nisem imela.
Black dust for white teeth. But does it work? In my honest opinion, you cannot expect a miracle. You cannot get snow white teeth in a natural way – I am talking about that fake white, that you can see from the sky that it is fake. But Karbonoir definitely contributes to whiter teeth that still look natural. Not only the teeth are whiter, it gives you a feeling of clean teeth I haven’t had in quite a while.


Čiščenje zob zaključim z nitkanjem, ki se mi zdi res nujno opravilo – dokler tega ne narediš prvič sploh ne veš, koliko nečistoč je še zmeraj skritih med zobmi.
I end my teeth cleaning with flossing which I find really essential – until you try it, you don’t even know how much there is still left inbetween your teeth.

Zjutraj si obraz umivam samo z vodo in konjac gobico. Trenutno uporabljam Ebelin gobico iz DMa, ki mi super odgovarja. Po umivanju na obraz nanesem hranilno kremo in pustim, da se vpije.
I use only water and konjac sponge in the mornings. Currently I’m using Ebelin sponge from DM, that I find great. After washing I put nourishing cream on my face.

Jutranjo rutino zaključim s kozarcem vode, ki vzpodbudi moj metabolizem. Verjetno je psihičnega izvora, ampak ob dnevih, ko zjutraj ne spijem kozarca vode, je spijem manj tudi čez dan.
I end my morning routine with a glass of water, that stimulates my metabolism. It’s probably all in my head but on the days that I don’t drink a glass of water in the morning, I drink less water troughout the day.
Tako se začne skoraj vsak moj dan. Seveda nadaljujem z drugimi opravili, ki pa se razlikujejo od dneva do dneva, včasih dodam še kremo za sončenje in se naličim ali uporabim še kakšno masko za obraz pred kremo, in tako naprej.
My days all start like this. Then I continue with different tasks that vary from day to day. Sometimes I use also sun cream and do a little make up, others I use a good face mask after cleaning my face, and so on.
Kako pa se začne vaš dan?
How do you start your day?
Xoxo, A.

**this post includes PR product provided for honest review**
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