
ProvoCATRICE by Catrice

Tokrat par besed o najnovejši Catrice omejeni kolekciji, ki je že na policah trgovin. Pa si najprej poglejmo, kaj o kolekciji pravijo pri Catrice:
Nova CATRICE Omejena kolekcija ProvoCATRICE, ki bo na voljo od Maja do Julija 2017, je navdih dobila v mešanju spodnjega perila in ulične mode, ki ga zadnje čase lahko vidimo na mednarodnih modnih brveh. Priljubljena spalna srajca je redefinirana v moderen, vsakdanji izgled. Nežna čipka, transparentne tkanine in elegantni biseri v kombinaciji s “street style” čevlji. Klasičen, zapeljiv look spodnjega perila je združen z modernimi, presenetljivimi elementi, ki dodajo svežino. Izdelki v omejeni kolekciji ponujajo veliko možnosti za popoln izgled: ne glede ali je prefinjen in romantičen ali zapeljiv in intenziven. Šminka Cushion Lip powder zagotavlja sijočo barvo in mat zaključek na ustnicah, rdečili za lica s sijočimi delci ustvarita svežo in sijočo polt. Barvna paleta omejene kolekcije se razteza od svetlih nude do nežnih roza in močnih rdečkastih odtenkov.

Today we’ll talk about the newest Catrice limited edition, that you can already find in stores. Let’s see what Catrice says about it first:
The new CATRICE Limited Edition ProvoCATRICE, available from May until July 2017, is inspired by the fusion of lingerie and sreetwear that can currently be seen on the international catwalks. Sleep wear, for example, the popular slip dress, is being redefined with a modern, everyday look. Delicate lace, translucent fabrics and elegant pearls combined with street style shoes. The classic, seductive lingerie look is united with modern, surprising elements to add fresh expression. The products in the Limited Edition offer many options for perfect make-up: no matter whether subtle and romantic or alluring and intense. Cushion Powder Lips ensure brilliant colour and a matt finish for the lips, Gradation Blushes with a light shimmer create a fresh and radiant complexion. The colour palette of the Limited Edition ranges from soft nude to delicate rosé to bold fuchsia and oxblood.

Sama sem imela to srečo, da se od uvoznikov prejela dva izdelka iz te kolekcije:
Tudi tokrat jim moram priznati, da so zadeli v polno! Oba izdelka sta mi pisana na kožo in ju redno uporabljam.
I was very lucky to get two of the items from this limited edition from the company:GRADATION BLUSH C02 Berry Bow and CUSHION POWDER LIPS C02 Berry Bow. Both products were made for me and I use them both regularly.


Na začetku mi ni bilo nič jasno, kaj to sploh je in kako deluje. Nato pa sem ugotovila, da je v bistvu popolnoma enostavno in čudovito! V pokrovčku se namreč skriva barva v prahu, ki ga s pomočjo blazinice nanesemo. Želim si več šmink v takšni obliki, saj ne le, da je nanos zelo enostaven, saj z ošpičeno konico z lahkoto dosežem vsak del ustnic, je tudi izredno obstojen, saj na meni zdrži vsaj 5 ur, odvisno od tega, koliko jem, pijem in se poljubljam – čeprav poljube z lahkoto preživi, hrane pa niti ne. In kar mi je najbolj všeč – sploh ne opazim, da imam karkoli na ustnicah. Nakup resres toplo priporočam, tale zadeva je res top!
In the begining I didn’t actually know what this is and how it works. And then I figured it out, it’s very simple and wonderful! The colour dust is hidden in the lid and I apply it with the help of the cushion. I want more lipsticks to be shaped like this. The application is super easy, with the pointed tip I can easily access every part of my mouth. It’s staying power is great, it lasts on me at least 5 hours, it depends on how much I eat, drink or kiss – it does survive kissing with ease, but not the eating. And the best of all – I don’t notice at all that I have anything on my lips. I reallyreally recommend buying it, it is awesome!



Rdečilo za lica, sestavljeno iz dveh delov, svetlejšega svetleče roza in temnejšega mat vijola, ki skupaj tvorita čudovito celoto, za prekrasna lička, z ravno pravo mero pordelosti. Je noro pigmentiran in priporočam previdnost pri nanosu, saj je lahko hitro preveč barve na licih. Se pa da lepo zabrisat, tako da se napačen nanos lahko hitro popravi. 
A blush composed of two colours, a lighter shimmering rose and darker matte purple, that combine a wonderful colour for beautiful cheeks with just the right amount of flush for your face. It is crazily pigmented and I do recommend careful application, since there can quickly be too much colour on your face. It can be easily blended so any mistakes during application can easily be fixed.


Za konec pa si poglejmo še nekaj več fotografij:
And for the end a few more pictures:

The powder in the lid of the lipstick
How both products look on me
xoxo, A.

**this post includes PR product provided for honest review**

(2) komentarja

  1. uu, to powder lip si morem it pogledat v trgovino … bere se obetavno!

  2. I was thinking whether should I bought the blush or not. After reading your review, I decided to buy it. Thank you ❤❤

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