
Essence Love & Sound Limited Edition Nail Polishes

This is what waited for me in the store the other day:
Tole me je zadnjič pričakalo v trgovini:


 I was so happy to get all four polishes, but was a bit dissapointed there were no eyeshadows left. I wouldn’t be me, if I haven’t tried the testers for the eyeshadows and the lipsticks, and I think that eyeshadows are absolutely great!
 Zelo me je razveselilo, da sem našla vse štiri lake za nohte, bila sem pa tudi malenkost razočarana, da ni bilo več nobenega senčila za oči. In jaz ne bi bila jaz, če ne bi preizkusila vsah testerjev senčil in šmink, in senčila so se mi zdela naravnost odlična!
I took a quick picture with my phone of the swatches:
Na hitro sem slikala swatche s svojim telefonom:
Prikazan je element IMG_20150410_141221.jpg
Eyeshadows/Senčila za oči: 03 Feel the vibe, 01 Glastonberry, 02 Make life a festival
Lipsticks/Šminke: 01 Crowd gone wild, 02 Glastonberry
 My favourite eyeshadow is Glastonberry, I’m really hoping to get it, can you see how gorgeous it is? I also wouldn’t mind getting the other shadows too, and Crowd gone wild lipstick.
 Moje najljubše senčilo je Glastonberry. Res upam, da ga bom kje našla,a vidite kako čudovito je?Prav tako se ne bi branila ostalih senčil za oči in Crowd gone wild šminke.


  Now to the reason why we are really here, the nail polishes: All four are supposed to be “desert matt” – they are matte texture polishes without glitters. All are two coaters, all dry really fast and all apply like a dream. I don’t have anything bad to say about them.
 In zdaj glavni razlog, zakaj smo tu, laki za nohte: Vsi štirje so “desert matt” – so mat teksturni laki za nohte brez bleščic. Vsi potrebujejo dva sloja, se hitro sušijo in se nanašajo sanjsko. Nimam nič slabega za povedat o njih.

01 Make life a festival


A pastel peach matte texture. Lovely colour and polish. So spring like!
Pastelno mareličen mat teksturni lak za nohte. Lušna barva. Takšna pomladna je!

02 Blue-chella


Lovely gray blue matte texture.
Lep sivkasto plav mat teksturni lak.

03 Glastonberry


Grayish purple/brown – a taupe matte texture. I have to say this one is my favourite of the bunch <3
Sivkasta vijola/rjava – taupe mat teksturni lak za nohte. Tale je moj najlubši od vseh<3

04 Feel the vibe


Light green, almost white matte texture.
Svetlo zelen, skoraj bel mat teksturni lak za nohte.

What do you think about this limited edition? Did you buy anything?
Kako se vam zdi za omejena kolekcija? Ste kupile kaj?

xoxo, Nyx

(20) komentarjev

  1. Mannas Manis pravi:

    These are pretty colors, I'm not sure I like the textured look! I feel like I'd be picking at it haha. They look amazing on you though

  2. Blingfinger pravi:

    I don't have anything from this brand as they are hard to get here in Sweden but I really like the finish!

  3. Ursula Ball pravi:

    Enjoyed reading your review about these polishes! I love all the colors except for the green color but I don't love the matte look!

    Ursula aka Blueridge Beauty

  4. I'm not so big on matte textured polishes but the colors are gorgeous. You girls in Europe get all the good stuff from essence that we never get in the Ulta stores in the US. Lucky!!


  5. Naked Without Polish pravi:

    These are lovely! They look less annoying than the China Glaze textures.

  6. I love textured polish. These are awesome looking!

  7. Brianna Engebretsen pravi:

    I can't decide how I feel about the texture on the polishes, but I love all of the colors.

  8. Jenny Olesen pravi:

    These look wonderful on you! I like textured polishes, and these are great colors.

  9. Polished Techie pravi:

    lovely shade

  10. T Bellew pravi:

    Right up my street! Love them

  11. Schette EssaiBeauté pravi:

    How do they look with top coat ?

  12. Monis Mani pravi:

    love these!

  13. Anita@StyleThoseNails pravi:

    I liked all these shades

  14. Roselynn Mercedes pravi:

    I haven't seen pastel textures like this in a long time, These are so lovely! I wish Essence was a easier brand to find.

  15. Amy L pravi:

    I think the mauve one is my favorite. I love these.

  16. Charlie Smith pravi:

    What a lovely colour scheme. I kind of feel like texture has died a death but it is nice to see new colour options – I actually quite liked the matte textures too (like the CG ones… anyone remember those?)

  17. Nail A College Drop Out pravi:

    I'm not too keen on textures anymore, the only ones I still like are the original Zoya Pixie Dusts.

  18. Michelle Chouinard pravi:

    Love Make Life A Festival, and love the subtle texture to these. 🙂

  19. Love the colour of these, especially the green and the coral but I don't like the texture of them. Smooth and glossy for the win! xxx

  20. Simona LightYourNails pravi:

    These are pretty colours!

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