
Review: Green Line Clear Active Micelar Cleansing Water

Danes bom govorila o micelni čistilni vodici Green Line Clear Active. Je moja prva micelna vodica, do sedaj sem uporabljala zgolj odstranjevalce ličil. Ker sem slišala same dobre stvari o teh vodicah, in ker je bila tale ravno takrat znižana, sem se odločila, da jo kupim in sprobam.

Today I’m going to talk about Green Line Clear Active micellar cleansing water. This is my first micellar cleansing water, I’ve only used makeup removers so far. But because I’ve heard only good things about micellar waters, and this one was on sale, I’ve decided to buy it and test it.

Micelna čistilna vodica za vse vrste kože, z nežno rožno vodo cveta pomaranče. Odstrani ličila z obraza in oči ter navlaži kožo. Vodico nanesite na blazinico in nežno obrišite ličila z obraza in oči. Dermatološko testirano. Brez parabenov, parafina, silikonov, alkohola.
Micellar cleansing water can be used for cleansing all skin types. It contains  gentle orange flower water. It removes make up from the face and eyes quickly and efficently and it moisturizes skin. Use cotton wool to wipe your face, including the area around the eyes until make up is remowed.  It contains no paraben, mineral oils, silicones or alcohol.

CITRUS AURATIUM AMARA FLOWER WATER(*bitter orange flower water): 
hydrates skin, helps with sunburned skin and is great for sensitive skin.
vlaži kožo, pomaga pri sončnih opeklinah in občutljivi koži.
acts as a solvent(helps other products dissolve in water)
ima vlogo topila(pomaga drugim produktom, da se raztopijo v vodi
has two functions: it acts as a solvet and it helps cleaning the skin, because it helps water to form a bond with dirt and oils, so that they can be removed
ima dve funkciji: ima vlogo topila in pomaga pri čiščenju kože, saj pomaga vodi, da tvori vez z umazanijo in maščobo, da se lahko odstranijo.
is very useful. It has an ability to attract water, helping the surface layers of skin increase the amount of it. It is also a subtsance found naturally in skin. It is one of the substances in skin that prevents dryness.
je zelo uporaben. Privlači vodo in s tem pomaga površinskim slojem kože povečati količino vode v le-teh. Je ena izmed sestavin kože, ki preprečuje izsušitev.
is a liquid moisturizer .
je tekoč vlažilec.
smooths and softens your skin.
zgladi in zmehča kožo.
is used as a preservative.
se uporablja kot konzervans.
hm.. so much about no alcohol thing? Aldo this is a naturally found alcohol, in cosmetic it mostly isn’t natural – it’s made in a lab. Some studies show that it can causer allergies. It is mostly used as a prezervative and for its fragrance. But you have to know EU only allows dosages fewer then 1%.
hm… toliko o “nič alkohola”! Čeprav je to alkohol, ki ga najdemo tudi v naravi, je v kozmetiki povečini nenaraven – proizveden v laboratoriju. Nekatere študije kažejo, da lahko izzove alergične reakcije. Večinoma se uporablja kot konzervans in dišava. Ampak morate vedeti, da v EU dovolijo količine, manjše od 1%.
is a preservative.
je konzervans.
is a form of Vitamin E, an antioxidant.
je oblika vitamina E, ki je antioksidant.
is used to help as a stabilizator and preservative.
se uporablja kot stabilizator in konzervans.
helps other products dissolve
pomaga ostalim sestavinam, da se raztopijo.
is a little bit worrying. There’s a bunch of different ingredients that can be listed under the name parfum, so if you have really sensitive skin and/or allergies, this might be the deal breaker for you.
je malo zaskrbljuoč. Pod tem imenom se namreč lahko skriva kar nekaj sestavin, tako da, če imate res občutljivo kožo ali kakšne alergije, potem zna biti, da to ni za vas.
is used as a fragnance.
se uporablja kot dišava.
is also used for its fragrance.
se prav tako uporablja kot dišava.
is used as a fragnance additive. It can cause irritations or allergic reactions. 
se uporablja kot dodatek za vonj. Lahko povzroči iritacije ali alergične reakcije.

ALPHA-ISOMETHYL IONONE:another fragnance ingredient.
še ena vonjava.

helps reduce akne breakouts and antiwrinkle ingredient.

pomaga zmanjšati izbruhe mozoljev in je sestavina, ki pomaga proti gubam.
Ko sem vodico prvič preiskusila, po resnici povedano, nisem bila navdušena. Diši sicer prečudovito, ampak se mi ni zdelo, da dovolj očisti make up, predvsem tisti na očeh. Sama imam namreč problem, da ko uporabljam maskaro, eyeliner ali svinčnik za oči, ni pomembno s čim, kako dolgo ali močno čistim, VEDNO sem naslednji dan še črna okoli oči(pa zaspančki so naslednje jutro obvezno črni). AMPAK ko sem zadevo poiskusila drugič, sem ugotovila, da mi je všeč. Zakaj? Ker ne rabim drgnit, da odstrani make up, ker me ne iritira, oči me ne pečejo in se mi ne sušijo po uporabi, kožo pa sčisti in navlaži. Prav tako mi NE povzroča mozoljev in mi ne maši por. In še enkrat, velik plus za (meni zelo prijeten) cvetličen vonj.
Cotton after use 😉

To tell you the truth, when I first tried it, I wasn’t really impressed. Even though it smell amazing, I’ve had a feeling it didn’t clean my make up(especially the one around my eyes) enough. I have this bad luck, no matter with what I clean my eyes, I will ALWAYS wake up the next day with black smeared under them. BUT when I tried it the second time, I realised I actually like it. Why? Because I don’t need to rub it to get the make up off, it doesn’t irritate my eyes, burn them or dry them out. And it cleans and moisturizes my skin. In addition it DOESN’T cause break outs and it does not clog my pores.  And again, a big plus for its ( really pleasant for me) flowery smell. 


EMBALAŽA: 200ml produtka je zapakiranih v prozorni flaški(plus, saj vidiš, koliko je porabiš oz. koliko je je še). Pokrovček je na navoj, in dozira se skozi majhno luknjico na vrhu, ki je ravno prav široka, za doziranje vodice na vato. Nisem imela problemov s prekomernim izlivanjem.

PACKAGING: 200ml of product is packed in a see trough bottle(plus, because you see how much you use and how much it’s left). You screw the lid, and you dose it trough a little hole on the top that is just the right size to get the item onto the cotton. I didn’t have any problems with spilling.

PORABA: Porabi se je neko normalno količino, sama porabim 1 blazinico vate, dobro zmočeno, za oči, in eno manj zmočeno, bolj navlaženo, za obraz. Obraz si potem seveda še umijem z gelom za umivanje, ampak o tem kdaj drugič 😉
USAGE: You use a normal amout of the product. I use 1 cotton, well soaked trough, for my eyes, and another, not so soaked, for my face. I then wash my face with face wash, but that’s for another time.
Ali mi priporočate kakšno drugo micelarno vodico?
Do you recommend any other micellar water to me?

xoxo, Nyx

(13) komentarjev

  1. Molly pravi:

    I haven't heard of this micellar water before. I've been using Bioderma and I really like it but it's not easy to find here!


  2. I thought you were going to say it burned your eyes, but so great that it didn't! I was nervous seeing the alcohol in the ingredient list. I tried my first Micellar Water recently from Simple Skincare, and unfortunately, it does burn my eyes, boo. So now I need to use a separate eye makeup remover 🙁

  3. I picked up my first Micellar water (Simple Skincare) and it's working great for me. I want to try this one and the BioDerma one to compare it to the Simple one. Thanks for sharing xx

    xo Brigette from brigetteramos.com

  4. Priyanka Patel pravi:

    I've never heard of this brand before but I do want to try it! I've only tried one by Marcelle but I want to experiment and try other brands, such as the ones Brigette mentioned above!

    xoxo Priyanka

  5. Kays Ways pravi:

    Micellar water is becoming really popular, I'm looking forward to trying one soon. Awesome review!!!

    Kara from KaysWays.com

  6. Mimi Kitten pravi:

    Definitely interested in trying out the products! Also love the multi language!

  7. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    It's a Slovenian brand 🙂 I have a tester of Bioderma somewhere, I need to try it 😉

  8. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    I was really surprised, when I saw alcohol too. I tried it first and then I took a look at the ingredients list, and it was a shock 😉
    I'm sorry to hear that, hope you'll find one that will work for you!

  9. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    I have a tester of Bioderma one, I might post a comparisson between the two 😉

  10. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    This is a Slovenian brand, so that's why you haven't heard of it 😉 I love to experiment with new brands too =)

  11. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you! I hope you'll like yours when you'll try it!

  12. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Oh, thank you!

  13. I haven't heard of this product before but I think that I would prefer something that took my make up off more fully the first time. I thought your review was brilliant, so thorough! xxx

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