
ABC Challenge: M – MaxFactor MaxEffect nail polish swatches

I choose MaxFactor nail polishes for the letter M. They have three different tipes of nail polishes, Glossfinity, Gel Shine and Max Effect mini nail polish. I only have the Max Effect ones and one older one, from Nailfinity line.


Za črko “M” sem izbrala MaxFactor lake za nohte. MaxFactor ima tri linije lakov za nohte, Glossfinity, Gel Shine in Max effect mini lake za nohte. Sama imam zgolj Max Effect mini lake in enega starejšega, iz Nailfinity linije.

Max Effect line has 53 shades of nail polish, and there are truly some amazing ones! You can see all the shades here. Each bottle contains 5ml of nail polish. The brushes of these are a bit small(mostly because the bottle is also small), so they give you a bit of work, but they are still easy to work with! The formula is different and it depends on the polish itself, so I’ll talk about it later. Drying time is rather fast.

Max Effect linija ima 53 odtenkov lakov in nekateri so res zelo lepi! Vse odtenke si lahko pogledate tukaj. Ena flaška vsebuje 5ml laka. Čopiči na teh lakcih so manjši, saj so majhne tudi flaške, tako da je z njimi malo več dela, vendar nič zaskrbljujočega. Formule so različne, in so odvisne od vsakega laka posebej, tako da bom o tem govorila kasneje. Sušijo se hitro.


On to the nail polishes 😉

Zdaj pa k lakcem za nohte 😉


#01 Ivory

Lovely warm gold champagne shade with silver shimmer. This nail polish is opaque in two coats.


Čudovit topel zlat odtenek s srebrnim šimerjem. Tale lak za nohte je polno prekriven v dveh slojih.


#08 Diva Violet
Light pink-purple creme(depend on the light), a little watery, but opaque in two coats.


Svetlo roza-vijoličen krem lakec za nohte(odvisno od svetlobe), malo voden, vendar prekriven v dveh slojih.


#12 Diva pink
Vibrant pink with gold and pink shimmer nail polish that is only visible in the bottle, on the nails it looks just pink and it really makes the colour pop. A little watery, opaque in three coats. If you are not carefull, brushstrokes can be visible.


Živo roza lakec za nohte z zlatim in pink šimrom, ki je viden zgolj v flaški, na nohtih izgleda samo pink in res poskrbi, da barva izstopa. Je bolj voden, prekriven v treh slojih. Če niste pazljivi, se lahko poznajo črte od čopiča.


#13 Deep Mauve
Darker brown redish colour of nail polish with purple shimmer. Easy two coats, lovely polish.

Temnejši rjavo rdeč lak za nohte z vijola šimrom. Dva sloja, z lahkoto nanešena. Luškan lakec za


#18 Cloudy blue
This one is really dark, almost black blue base but with lighter blue shimmer, that makes this nail polish stand out. It is really pretty, it doesn’t look black(like some dark blues do). It is also very shiny. One coat.


Tale ima zelo temno modro bazo, skoraj črno in vsebuje svetlejši plavi šimer, ki naredi ta lak za nohte res poseben. Lak je zelo lep in ne izgleda črno, tako kot nekateri drugi temno modri lakci. Posuši se v zelo lep, svetleč finiš. In! tole je samo en sloj.


#24 Intense Plum
Really juicy reddish purple creme, perfect plum shade. Opaque in two coats. It dries to a really glossy finish.


Zelo sočna rdeča vijola. Prekrivna v dveh slojih. Posuši se v zelo svetleč finiš.


#45 Fantasy Fire
Now I think we all know this one 😉 A-MA-ZING shade, multichrome. It shifts from purple to green, blue  and red. But unfortuanetelly there is a downside, it is very sheer, it needs to be layered(what I’m showing are swatches without anything underneath, 3 coats). The formula is great, easy to work with.


No, tegale pa verjetno že vsi pozname 😉 ČU-DO-VIT prelivajoč odtenek. Preliva se z vijolične na zeleno, plavo in rdečo. Na žalost pa ima tudi eno slabo lastnost, je zelo neprekriven, treba ga je nanesti na drug, prekriven lak(na slikah lahko vidite, kako izgledajo 3 plasti brez katerega drugega laka spodaj). Formula je super, nanaša se z lahkoto.


#55 Angel nails
This one is now a Glossfinity shade, and by the look of the swatches online it is indeed the same polish. A champage shade with shimmer, opaque in three coats.


Tale je na voljo kot del Glossfinity linije, in po ogledu slik na internetu, lahko potrdim, da gre za isti lakec. Barva šampanjca s šimerjem, prekriven v treh slojih.


#900 Ruby Fruit
Creamy dark ruby shade, it can also look brown, depends on the light. 1coat.


Kremna temno rdečkasta, lahko izgleda tudi rjava, odvisno od svetlobe. En sloj.

There are still a few MaxEffect nail polishes I wish to have:

Je tudi nekaj lakcev, ki si jih še želim:


#14 Dazzling Blue, #15 Glam Green, #17 Green Bronze, #44 Graffiti, #43 Odyssey blue, #42 Moon Dust, #41 Meteorite

Slovenke lahko MaxFactor lake za nohte (in ostalo kozmetiko) kupimo tudi v spletni trgovini salma.si, natačneje lake MaxEffect tukaj (ostale lake MaxFactor pa tukaj). Zgoraj imate pri vseh lakih, ki jih v omenjeni trgovini imajo, tudi link do tja. Samo kliknete na ime linka in je to to 😉 Imajo seveda tudi nekatere druge odtenke, ki jih jaz nisem omenila.

Do you own any MaxFactor nail polishes? What is your favourited one?

Kateri pa je vaš najljubši MaxFactor lakec?

xoxo, Nyx

(11) komentarjev

  1. Nazh San. pravi:

    Great post! I love the #01 Ivory and #13 Deep Mauve 🙂 xxx

  2. LindaTargaryen pravi:

    Zelo imaš lepe nohte. 🙂

  3. Tara Woodruff pravi:

    I Love That Ruby Fruit!! Delicious color!!
    BTW I so Appreciate You taking the time to Write this blog in two languages!

  4. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you =)

  5. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Oh, najlepša hvala 🙂

  6. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    I love them all 😉 And thank you, I'm doing my best 😉

  7. Renard Moreau pravi:

    [ Smiles ] I am a guy; so I know very little about nail polish.

    Nice job on knowing about the various types of MaxFactor products.

  8. Oh wow I love that gold colour, looks so pretty! xxx

  9. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you =)

  10. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thanks 😉

  11. Amy Shearman pravi:

    these are beautiful colours, I have yet to try Max Factors polishes, but the intense plum and diva violet look gorgeous!


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