Preizkusa tega laka sem se zelo veselila, saj so mi takšni laki zelo všeč, in priznam, da sem se težko odločila, kateri odtenek izbrati. Na koncu sem se odločila za odtenek “Crusty Blue”, saj mi je prvi padel v oči. Celotno kolekcijo Very Me Dot It sestavljajo štirje laki, vsi štirje imajo v barvni osnovi raznobarvne bleščice.
I was really excited to try this nail polish, since I really like this kind of polishes, and I confess it was really hard for me to decide which shade to pick. In the end I went with “Crusty Blue”, since it was the first one that caught my eye. Entire Very Me Dot It collection consists of four nail polishes, all four are colourfull glitters in a base.
Crusty blue je odličen kot nadlak ali kot samostojen lak. Prvi sloj je ravno dovolj prosojen, da ga lahko slojimo preko drugih lakov, s tremi sloji (ali dvema debelejšima) pa izgleda super samostojno. Velik plus je, da se hitro suši, pa tudi to, da bleščic ni treba loviti, saj je lak nabit z njimi.
Crusty blue is great as top coat and on its won. The first layer is just enough see trough, so it can be layered over other polishes, but with three layers(or two thicker ones) it is opaque enough and it looks great. The greatest thing about it is it dries fast and also, you don’t have to fish for the glitters since the polish is packed with them.
Pa še par besed o sami barvi tega lepotca. Osnova je svetlo modra jelly baza, v kateri so raznobravne bleščice – jaz sem našla bele, rumene, temno modre in svetlo modre – šesterokotne oblike različnih velikosti.
A few words about the colour of this beauty. The base is light blue jelly, in which there are hexagonal glitters of different colours – I found white, yellow, dark blue and light blue – and different sizes.
Čopič je edina stvari pri tem laku, ki mi ni najbolj všeč. Za moj okus je pretanek in malenkost prekratek. Vseeno se da z njim zelo lepo nanesti lak, sama nisem imela nikakršnih problemov.
The brush is the only thing with this polish I’m not really a fan off. It is a bit too thin and short for my taste. However, it still applies nail polish nicely, I didn’t have any problems with it.
Mi priporočate preizkus še katerega Oriflame laka za nohte? Do sedaj sem preizkusila že Very Me Sugar Nail Purple Berry, tako da bom vesela vsakršnih predlogov. Vse Oriflame izdelke pa najdete na njihovi spletni strani – TUKAJ.
Do you recommend any other Oriflame nail polishes for me to try? So far I’ve tried Very Me Sugar Nail Purple Berry, ao any other suggestion will be greatly appriciated. You can find all Oriflame products on their global web site – HERE.
Xoxo, Nyx
Hi Ajda,
I noticed you still did not answered any of my many emails so please when you see this message check your mail and get back to me, I see you are posting regularly so maybe you did not get my email but please get back to me as soon as possible.
Madison from Irresistible Me
Those are pretty shades dear!
Lets follow each other shall we? Let me know
Mene pri teh lakih moti to, da se jih zelooooo težko odstrani. Največji problem so bleščice. Kak nasvet?
That's a very pretty color. I love the fact that the polish is a quick dry.
Lovely colours, this polish looks so effective on your nails xxx
Pretty shade, I like that it dries quickly. I hate polishes where I have to fish out the glitters, it takes the fun out of the nailpolish
I sometimes like the sheer look with glitter toppers, but I think I love this one even more on top of an opaque color. What a gorgeous topper! Love the shades
Love this shade crusty blue. Beautiful
Oh, I love the sparkles! That is such a pretty shade of blue too!
Love your latest nail polish post and swatches!! I preferred pink polish!
I love the powder blue base and the bright blue glitters. This would look fabulous as a single-coat topper over a deep blue base.