

 Že dolgo sem razmišljala, da je morda bolje, da določene izdelke predstavim čimprej, tudi če jih poprej nisem dodobra stestirala, saj je pri določenih, predvsem kar se tiče ličil, zadevah bolj smiselno tako – omejene kolekcije, novosti, itd. Zato sem se odločila uvesti novo rubriko – PRVI TEST, kjer vam bom izdelek/izdelke predstavila bolj s slikami in z določenimi karakteristikami, ki jih lahko povem že po prvih parih preizkusih. NIKAKOR pa ni to dokončna ocena, saj o nekaterih stvari še ne morem govoriti.
 I was thinking for some time now that maybe it is better for me to present certain product as soon as possible, even if they weren’t tested enough, since with specific products, especially make up, it is more reasonable this way – limited editions, new stuff, etc. That’s why I’ve decided to introduce new blog section – FIRST TEST, where I’ll show you products more with pictures and with certain features that are apparent after first few tries. It is ABSOLUTELY NOT the final evaluation of the product, since there are some things I cannot talk about just yet.


 Prva izdelka, ki bosta gostovala v rubriki Prvi test sta Avon Shine Burst Gloss Stick šminki v odtenkih Peach Punch in Rose.
 The first two products to be featured in First Test are  Avon Shine Burst Gloss Sticks in shades Peach Punch and Rose.


 Najprej nekaj malega o samih šminkah. So v bistvu nek hibrid med šminko in glosom. Pri Avonu obljubljajo svetlečost lip glosa in pigmentacijo šminke. Vonj je pri obeh nežno cvetličen in ni moteč. Embalaža je prekrasna! Tanka in izgleda kot iz kovine. Obstojnost je pri obeh povprečna, ne ostaneta kaj dolgo na ustnicah, hrana in pijača je prepovedana 😉 Sta pa izredno hranilni na ustnicah in nanos je res lahek, občutek na ustnicah pa super.
 First, a little something about the lipsticks. They are basically a cross between lipstick and lip gloss. Avon promises shining of a gloss and pigmentation of a lipstick. The smell is faintly floral and it doesn’t bother me. The packaging is gorgeous! Slim and it looks like it’s metal. They aren’t really long lasting, and eating and drinking isn’t allowed 😉 But they are really moisturizing on the lips and application is really easy and they feel great on the lips.



 Ko sem jo prvič odprla sem bila šokirana, saj izgleda zelo živo. Na srečo na ustnicah ni takšna in ob prvem nanosu sem se vanjo zaljubila. Je nekje med oranžno in koralno. Zelo lepa barva, pigmentirana je zadovoljivo in vem, da jo bom z veseljem nosila.


 When I first opened it I was shocked, since it looked really bright. Luckily it doesn’t look like it on the lips and I feel in love with it the moment I tried it. It is somewhere between orange and coral. Really pretty colour, nice pigmentation and I know I’ll wear it often.




 Tale mi je bila všeč še preden sem jo preizkusila. Umirjena umazano rožnata barva, na meni deluje kot izboljšanje naravne barve mojih ustnic. Tudi to bom z veseljem nosila.


 I liked this one even before I tried it. Dusty rose, on me it looks like “mine-but-better” colour. I will also gladly wore this one.


Ste že preizkusile katero od Avon Shine Burst gloss sticks šminkic? A mi priporočate še katero?
Have you tried any of Avon Shine Burst Gloss Sticks? Do you recommend any?

Xoxo, A.

**PR product provided for honest review**

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