A veste tisto, ko vidiš eno stvar in takoj dobiš idejo za nail art? To se je meni zgodilo, ko sem prejela paketek iz spletne trgovinice Rosie’s store in zagledala čudovito zapestnico. Takoj sem se spravila k delu in nastala je meni zelo ljuba turkizno zlata manikura, ki sem jo z veseljem nosila.
Do you know that feeling, when you see something and you immediatelly get a nail art idea? That happened the me when I opened the package from Rosie’s store and saw a gorgeous bracelet. I promptly got to work and created to me very beautiful teal-gold manicure, that I gladly wore.
Za njo sem uporabila 3 starejše lake za nohte iz moje kolekcije, ki so mi zelo pri srcu:
For it I used 3 older nail polishes from my collection that are very dear to me:
-China Glaze Golden Enchantment
-China Glaze Medallion
So vam moji nohti všeč? Vesela bom vaše ideje za naslednjo manikuro 😉
Do you like my nails? I’ll be happy to listen to your ideas for my next mani 😉
Xoxo, A.