
Movember Nail Art

Kot že verjetno veste, je mesec november posvečen ozaveščanju o moških boleznih. Več o tem in kako lahko pomagamo, si preberite tukaj. Danes pa kratka objava o meni zelo všečni manikuri s to temo.
As you probably already know, November is dedicated to increase awareness about male diseases. More about it and how can you help, here. But today, a short post about a manicure with this topic, that I really like.
Uporabila sem dva laka in nalepke za nohte.
I used two nail polishes and nail stickers.
Essence Dare it Nude – Muller, DM, Tuš Drogerije,…
L’Oreal Confettis – discontinued 🙁
Moustache stickers – Ebay
So vam nohti všeč? Meni so krasni, sploh Confettis lakec je eden moji najljubših <3
Do you like my nails? I thing they are gorgeous, especially Confettis is one of my fav nail polishes ever <3
Xoxo, A.

(2) komentarja

  1. so far so sabine pravi:

    Wow this is amazing! Looks so simple actually, but so perfect! I'm not that good with my nails, but you are for sure!

  2. Waw, super fotke in čudoviti nail art <3 Mi je zelo všeč!

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