
Essence Midnight Masquerade and The Little X-Mas Factory Limited Edition


Tokrat sem se odločila, da v eno objavo združim kar dve Essence omejeni kolekciji, saj je že obe moč najti na poličkah. Iz vsake kolekcije imam za vas predstavitev dveh izdelkov.

This time I’ve decided to join two Essence limited editions in one post since both can already be found in our stores. I have two items to present from each edition.





O tej sem že ogromno govorila na Instagramu, saj me je navdušila. No, črnega dela ne bom uporabljala kaj veliko, barvni, temno rdeč del pa bom z veseljem uporabljala. Ustnice sicer malenkost izsuši, ampak me na srečo to ne moti preveč. Je presenetljivo obstojen, hkrati pa je tudi popolnoma mat.
I’ve spoken a lot about it on my Instagram, since it impressed me. Well, I won’t be using the black part a lot, but I will use the colourfull, dark red part gladly. It does dry my lips a bit, but it’s not bothering me. It is surprisingly durable and at the same time it is completely matte.

EFFECT EYESHADOW 02 Spooktacular Night


Senčilo, ki me je presenetilo v vseh pogledih, pozitivno seveda. Je izredno pigmentirano, obstojno in krasne barve. Ta je sicer odvisna od nanosa, vendar je osnova zelo temna, čez pa so prekrasne bronz-rjave, izredno majhne bleščice, ki dajo barvi globino.
An eyeshadow that surprised me a in every possible way. It is extremelly pigmented, long lasting and the colour is beautiful. It depends on the application, but there is a dark brown/black base with beautiful bronze shimmer that gives the colour a depth.






Razočaranje. Slabo pigmentirana zadeva, katere nakupa ne priporočam. Del za osvetlevanje je še uporaben, če želite nežno osvetljevanje, temen del za senčenje pa je popolna katastrofa. Nažalost se na koži sploh ne pozna. In čeprav je embalaža in sama oblika noro lepa, to ne upraviči nakupa. Škoda.
Dissapointment. Badly pigmented product and I cannot recommend the purchase. The highlighting part is kind of useful, if you are really shy and want only light highlights, but the dark part for contouring is practically invisible on my skin. Even if the packaging and the shape super pretty, it doesn’t justify buying it. Shame.

EYESHADOW PALETTE 01 North Pole Express Delivery


Tudi ta paletka je bolj za sramežljive. Čeprav barve izgledajo noro lepo in je tudi samo pakiranje prekrasno, so senčila malenkost slabše pigmentirana in se barve na očeh ne poznajo tako lepo, so še vedno dovolj pigmentirane za nežen videz. Ni ravno top paletka, so pa barve lepe, tudi šimer v barvah mi je všeč in bom še kdaj posegla po njej.
This eyeshadow palette is also for the shy ones. The colours look really pretty and the packaging itself is gorgeous, but the eyeshadows are a bit less pigmented and the colours don’t translate on the lids the way they should. They are still enough pigmented for a pretty soft daily look. It’s not a top palette, but the colours are nice, I like the shimmer in the eyeshadows and I will use it again.

Ste ve preizkusile kaj iz omenjenih kolekcij? Kakšno je pa vaše mnenje?
Have you tried anything from this limited editions? What do you think about them?

Xoxo, A.

**PR product provided for honest review**

(2) komentarja

  1. Low Maintenance Beauty pravi:

    Meni je bila tale Midnight Masquerade šminkica zelo všeč, pri paletki pa sem oklevala in jo pustila v trgovini. Zdaj, ko gledam tvoj swatch, vidim, da sem se prav odločila 🙂

  2. Ja, šminka je res super. Škoda za paletko, izgleda sicer čudovito, ampak pigmentacija… =/

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