
Guest post: Movember

I wondered a long time about what I want to do for Movember post and at least I realized – guest post. So I asked Rok from My perspective and was very happy he eventually said yes. So, let’s welcome Rok and his view on Movember:

When Nyx’s beauty blog asked me to write a guest post about Movember, my first thought was ”No”, I don’t have time for it, I became a father 2 weeks ago, I must go back to work and I have stuff to do with my two blogs (London za vsak žep, My perspective), little self-promotion doesn’t hurt…
But then I thought about it again and it’s Movember, it’s the most important month for men all around the world and who am I to say no to a chance to raise awareness. So here goes, my first guest blog post, maybe my only guest post ever.
What is Movember? For those of you who lived under a rock for the past 10-ish years, Movember is a name we, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas, use for the month of November or as we can also call it No-Shave-November. As the last name already suggests it has something to do with not shaving. People all around the world shave on November 1st and let their moustache grow for a whole month. I’m doing it for a third year now. I look terrible with it but I do it because it’s for a good cause.
”By encouraging men (whom the charity refers to as “Mo Bros”) to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle.” (wikipedia)
What else can you do?
For starters, you can join Movember Foundation, where you create your own profile and begin to raise money for charity. You can raise the money by growing your Mo, Taking on a different challenges or hosting an event.
You can decide to run a marathon, learn a new sport, maybe you’re an adrenalin junkie or just a competitive guy. Whatever you do, don’t forget to raise awareness about Movember, spread the word about health problems mans have and if you can miss a dollar/euro or two, donate it to Movember Foundation. Each individual that makes his own profile can raise money through their website. You can make yourself a goal and try to achieve it. I set myself a goal for the first time this year, it’s not a big one but I’ll try to raise 50$. If someone wants to help me achieve my goal, voila.
Movember Foundation raised over $710 Million over the past 13 years and with that tackled some of the biggest issues in men’s health: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor men’s health in general and suicide prevention. All the money raised is restricted to use in Movember Foundation approved programs only.
Why do we do it?
”The state of men’s health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier. Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years. Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50. Three quarters of suicides are men. Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute.” (Movember Foundation)
It’s simple we do it for our future. We do it for us, our parents and our children. Even though life can be hard sometimes you only have one. Why not enjoy it as long as possible?

That’s it, my first guest post is over. Spread the word, share this post, raise awareness, donate and last but not least – grow.

 I hope you liked Rok’s post, and don’t forget about the other ladies:

Xoxo, A.

(1) komentar

  1. this is a great initiative 🙂

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