Tudi letos smo se slovenske blogerke v znak podpore boja proti raku dojk odločile, da vse skupaj pripravimo “rožnate objave”. Oktober je namreč mesec boja proti raku dojk, ki je najpogostejša oblika raka pri ženskah. Na srečo je tudi stopnja ozdravljivosti visoka, samo odkriti ga je treba dovolj zgodaj. Zato je zelo pomembno samopregledovanje! Kako to storiš, si preberi TUKAJ.
Once again Slovenian beauty bloggers have decided to collaborate in support of breast cancer awareness and prepare “pink posts”. October is brest cancer awareness month. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Luckily it is also highly treatable if it is discovered soon enough. That is why self-examination is very important! How you do that read HERE.
- MALINE med drugim vsebujejo antioksidante in vitamin C in so odlične v boju proti gubam in staranju kože, hkrati pa pripomorejo k sijoči koži.
- JOGURT vlaži in izenačuje ten kože.
- MED pomaga zadrževati vlago v koži, hkrati pa preprečuje bakterije, ki povzročajo akne.
- RASPBERRIES contain antioxidants and Vitamin C and are great for anti wrinkle and against skin aging and at the same time help with more radiant skin.
- YOGHURT moisturizes and evens out skin tone
- HONEY helps with keeping the moisture in the skin and at the same time prevents the germs that causes acne.
I’ll be happy, you’ll try it too and share your opinion with me!
Ne pozabite si ogledati še drugih:Don’t forget to check out others:
Mogoče se pa res kdaj lotim packanja … danes bo verjetno kar sheet maska. 😀
Hvala, da si se nam pridružila!
Zanimiva maska in glede na preprostost priprave jo bom zagotovo preizkusila.
Odlična ideja! Lepo je videti da se oddaljujemo od mainstreama in poskušamo z DIY izdelki 🙂
Love your pix! What a great idea for a natural facial mask. I definitely will try that one. Even the color is perfect for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Nekaj ful izvirnega + čudovito izgleda, itak da jo bom sprobala. 🙂
Sliši se super, samo ne vem, a bi jo raje dala na obraz ali v usta 🙂
Great for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The mask looks easy and is natural, always a plus.