
Essence Pink Parrot Nail Polish

 Si lahko predstavljate, holo lak v naših drogerijah?? Seveda je šel z mano domov 😉
 Can you imagine, holo polish in our drugstores?? It had to come with me ofcourse 😉


Lak Pink Parrot je del Exit to explore omejene kolekcije:
Naslednja postaja: raj! Z novo trend kolekcijo “Exit to Explore” Essence odkriva eksotičen svet Amazonke. Nenavadna narava in različne živalske vrste so navdih za kolekcijo, ki ponuja intenzivne barve kot sta marelična in vijolična, teksture z visokim prekrivanjem in poletno-cvetlične motive na izdelkih. Absoluten favorit so senčila z mavričnim holografskim efektom in osvežilne šminke z vonjem mentola.
Odkrij deževni pragozd – z Essence!

Nail polish Pink Parrot is a part of Exit to Explore limited edition:
Next stop: paradise! Discovering the exotic world of the Amazon with the new trend edition “Exit to Explore”. Inspired by the extraordinary nature and diversity of species, the collection offers intensive colours like apricot and purple, textures with a high coverage and a summery-floral product design. The absolute jungle highlights are the eyeshadow with an iridescent holo-effect and the refreshing lipsticks with a mint scent.
Discover the rainforest – with Essence!

 V kolekciji so še trije drugi laki, toaletna voda, gumica za lase, tattoo za telo, rdečilo za lica, glos za ustnice, dve osvežilni šminki in tri senčila za oči.
 There are also three other nail polishes, eau de toilette, hair ties, body&cuticle tattoo, blush, lip glow, two refreshing lipsticks and three eyeshadows.


 Celotna kolekcija izgleda zanimivo in s težkim srcem sem domov vzela samo en lak. Pink parrot je živo roza holografski lak. Holografski učinek sicer pride do izraza samo na sončku, je pa lep tudi drugače. 
 Entire collection looks interesting and it was hard for me to take only one nail polish. Pink parrot is pink holographic nail polish. Holo really comes out only in the sun, but the nail polish is pretty in any light.

 Za popolno prekrivnost sta bila potrebna dva sloja, nanos je bil enostaven, posušil se je pa tudi v parih minutah. Čopič je zame malenkost pretanek, vendar se je z njim dalo lepo delat in mi ni povzročal problemov.  

 For it to be totally opaque you need two coats, it was easy to apply and it was dry in a few minutes. The brush is a bit thin for me, but it is okay to work with and I hadn’t had any problems with it.



 Edini problem, ki ga imam s tem lakcem, je obstojnost. Žal, kot večina holotov, ni najbolj obstojen in zlizane konice so se začele kazati tretji dan.
 The only problem I’ve had with it, is its longevity. Unfortunatelly it, as most holos, isn’t really meant to last long and the tips started to show on the third day.


 Ste kupile kaj iz te omejene kolekcije? Je še kak skrit biser v njej?
 Have you bought anything from this limited edition? Are there any other hidden pearls in it?

Xoxo, A.

(2) komentarja

  1. joj tale lakec je čudovit! <3

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