
Review: RICH Pure Luxury Intense Moisture Shampoo


Ta šampon je bil del paketa, ki sem ga prejela s spletne strani Venera kozmetika. Ne vem zakaj, ampak nisem pričakovala kaj dosti od njega. 
Moji lasje so namreč slamnati, vendar hitro mastni + izpadajo. Občasno, če mi šampon ne paše, dobim tudi prhljaj.
Ravno zaradi teh lastnosti mi marsikateri šampon ne ustreza, preizkusila sem jih pa že res ogromno.
I got this shampoo as a pat of the package I got from the web site Venera kozmetika. I don’t know why, but I really didn’t expect much from it.
My hair are normally straw-like, but quickly greasy + they fall out. Occassionally if the shampoo doesn’t suit me, I also get dandruff.
That is why there aren’t a lot of shampoos that would suit me and I’ve tried a bunch of them.


Pa najprej nekaj malega o embalaži. Šamponov v taki obliki nisem vajena, ampak mi je všeč – brez problemov ga bom izstisnila tudi ko ga ne bo več dosti. Embalaža je zlate barve in izgleda res luksuzno. Pokrovček se odvije in privije brez problemov in šampon brez problemov ostane na mestu – se ne prevrže. 
First a little something about the packaging. I am not used to this tipe of shampoo packaging, but I like it – I won’t have any problems getting the shampoo out when there will only be a bit left. It’s gold and it looks really luxurious. The lid unscrews and screws without any problems and shampoo is easily standing on it – it doesn’t tip over.


Vonj šampona me je res presenetil. Malo me spominja na kak moški parfum, tisti nežen, ki jih ženske tako rade uporabljamo 😉 Nežnost in svežina. Nima tipičnega vonja šampona, in to mi je zelo všeč! 
Je bele barve in dokaj tekoče teksture. Z lahkoto se izstisne in nanese na lase. 
The smell of the shampoo was really surprising. It reminds me a little on a mens perfume, the tender kind, that women so like to use 😉 Tenderness and freshness. It does not have the tipical shampoo smell and I love it! The shampoo itself is white and quite runny. It comes out of the bottle with ease and the same goes for putting it on the hair.


Ob nanosu na lase se zgosti in malenkost speni. Če iščete šampon, zaradi katerega boste cele v peni, pa še pol kopalnice zraven, tale ni za vas 😉 Jaz sem navdušena, saj me preveč pene moti + pri mojem načinu umivanja las, mi gre vsa pena v oči&nos(lase si namreč umivam preko roba banje). Tako da je to kot ustvarjeno zame.
When put on your hair it thickens and foams a little. If you are looking for a shampoo that’d cover you with foam, this one isn’t for you 😉 But I’m thrilled, because too much foam bothers me + with my way of washing hair, all the foam goes into my eyes&nose (I wash my hair above the bath tub). So this was created for me.


Zdaj pa največje presenečenje. Po umivanju so bili lasje čudoviti! Nič slamnati, nič mastni, preposto lepi. Moji lasje se mi ponavadi ne posušijo čisto ravno, ampak v čudne valovite – ne lepo, ampak kar tako malo sem malo tja. Po uporabi tega šampona so bili skoraj ravni! Lasje so bili od korena do konic enakomerni (ponavadi imam pri glavi vse “polizano”, konice pa štrenaste). Lasje tudi niso bili nič naelektreni. Lasje so vse te lastnosti obdržali par dni po pranju.
And now for the biggest surprise. My hair were wonderful after washing! No straw-like, no grease, simply beautiful. Usually my hair doesn’t dry straight, I get this weird wavy hair. After this shampoo they were almost straight! My hair were even from the root to the tip (usually by my hair it’s all really flat and my tips are stringy). And no electrified hair! All of this was present in the next couple of days after washing.

Sem res navdušena! A ste že preizkusile kakšen RICH izdelek za nego las? Imajo še kar nekaj zanimivih izdelkov, sama sem dodala na listo želja naslednje stvari:
I am really impressed! Have you tried any RICH hair products? There are a bunch of other intereting stuff, and this is what is going on my wishlist:

Sprej za zaščito in sijaj las / Maximum Brilliance Protect&Shine


Čisti Arganov elikisir za suhe lase in razcepljene konice / Rejuvenatic Argan Oil Elixir


RICH izdelke lahko kupite v vseh Mullerjih in nekaterih Tuš drogerijah. Mi priporočate še kaj drugega?
Do you recommend anything else?

xoxo, Nyx

(1) komentar

  1. Glad you had such a great experience and good results with this new shampoo!

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