Rodos je krasen otok, ki bi ga z veseljem še kdaj obiskala. Ogromno je za videt, dogaja se, ima krasne plaže, super je tako za tiste, ki na dopustu želijo samo ležat na plaži kot tudi za avanturiste, ki želijo tudi kaj videt in doživet. Rada bi vam predstavila pet krajev na Rodosu, ki so meni osebno nujni za videt za vse, ki boste kdaj ta krasen grški otok tudi obiskali.
Rhodes is a gorgeous island that I would gladly visit again. It has much to see, a bunch of things are happening, awesome beaches,… It is great for those who just want to lay on the beach on vacation as well as for those that what to see and experience things. I will present you five places on Rhodes that are in my opinion a must see when visiting this gorgeous Greek island.
1. EPTA PIGES (Seven Springs)
Nebesa na zemlji! Narava, malo adrenalina in osvežitev. Kraj, kjer pojejo ptički in se človek res počuti pomirjenega. Največja znamenitost je tunel, dolg 150 metrov, ozek in ni za tiste s klavstrofobijo. Namenjen je povezavi sedmih izvirov z jezerom. Sprehod po tunelu je res nekaj posebnega. Hodi se po mrzli vodi – kakšna brisača zraven ne bo škodila – in ni osvetljeno. Res je neka posebna izkušnja, definitivno prva na mojem seznamu stvari, ki so nujne ob obisku Rodosa! Ko pa k tunelu prištejem še krasno jezero in čudovito naravo… Res, to je treba videt in doživet!
Heaven on Earth! Nature, a bit of adrenalin and refreshment. A place, where the birds sing and you can really relax. The most famous sight is the 150 metres long tunel, very narrow and absolutely not for the claustrophobic people. It was built to connect the seven springs with the lake. Walking down the tunnel really is special. You walk in cold water – bring a towel with you – and the tunnel isn’t lit. It really is a special experience, absolutely the first on my list of things that are necessary when visiting Rhodes. when you add to that a gorgeous lake and wonderful nature… Absolutely worth seeing!
Samo mesto Rodos me je navdušilo z ogromnim številom znamenitosti, krasnimi uličicami in, priznam, velikim številom trgovinic. Všeč mi je, da je nekaj za vsakega, našla sem tako ulice, nabite s trgovinami in ljudmi, kot čisto tihe uličice, kjer je bilo moč videti zgolj kakšno mačko. Nujni ogledi? Zagotovo priporočam obisk obzidja, vendar ne v največji vročini, saj ni sence, hkrati pa prosim, ne pozabit na sončno zaščito in dovolj pijače, krasen sprehod za raziskovalce pa tudi kar nekaj lukenj in jaškov (po katerih se sicer iz logičnih razlogov ne morete sprehajat, jih je pa zanimivo gledat). Priporočam tudi ogled stolpa Roloi. Stolp z uro, kjer je krasen razgled in kjer lahko vidite tudi stari urni mehanizem je krasen začetek ogleda samega mesta. Z nakupom vstopnice vam pripada tudi pijača v gostilnici pod stolpom, kjer si lahko za spomin vzamete tudi kakšno razglednico. Muzejev je v mestu ogromno in verjamem, da vsak lahko najde muzej zase. Definitivno pa priporočam tudi, da se malo izgubite po ulicah, si ogledate ponudbe na stojnicah in poiščete svoj najljubši kotiček v tem krasnem mestu.
The city of Rhodes impressed me with a bunch of attractions, cute little streets and, I must confess, a bunch of stores. I really like the fact there is something for everyone. You can find streets full of people and little stores, as well as quiet little streets where the only living thing is a car. What is a must see? I absolutely recommend the visiting the walls, but don’t do it in the middle of the day, there’s no shadow there. At the same time I’d like to remind you to not forget sun protection and enought fluids to stay hydrated. A wonderful walk together with a bunch of holes and shafts, which you can’t actually climb into but are fun to look at. I’d also recommend a visit to the Roloi clock tower. A clock tower offers a great view and you can also see the odl clock mechanism. It is a great start of they city visit. Together with the ticket purchase you also get a drink in the bar bellow the tower, where you can also take a souvenir – a postcard. There is a bunch of museums in the city and I’m sure anyone can find at least one for themselves. I also have to recommend getting lost in the streets, wandering around the shops and find your favourite place in this beautiful town.
Meni osebni najlepša plaža Rodosa. Malo odmaknjena – do nje se je treba spustit po stopnicah, ki so dokaj strme. Kamnita, z nekaj večjimi skalami, kjer se lahko vsedete in uživate. Kot na vseh plažah, lahko tudi tukaj najamete senčnik in ležalnik, poskrbljeno pa je tudi za stranišče. Nudijo tudi tečaje potapljanja. Voda je modra in resnično čista.
This is my favourite beach of Rhodes. A bit remote – you have to go down some steep stairs to get to it. With peebles and a few bigger rocks where you can sit down and enjoy. Like on all of the beaches you can rent a sun umbrella and deckchairs, the toilet is also provided. You can also book diving lessons. The water is really blue and spotless clean.
Spa, ki me je presenetil z urejenostjo in naravo. Krasna arhitektura, zanimiva okolica, čudovita plaža. Cena za vstop je majhna, ponašajo se pa z resnično udobnimi ležalniki. Če imate željo preživet dan v krasni okolici, na lepi plaži in ob strežbi na udobnih ležalnikih, je to pravo mesto za vas!
Spa that surprised me with its neatness and nature. Lovely architecture, interesting surroundings, wonderful beach. A small fee to enter and they have the most comfortable deckchairs. If you wish to spend the day comfortable in a beautiful scenery and be served all the time, this is the place for you!
Kraj, ki se ponaša z zelo zanimivo znamenitostjo – plažo, na kateri se stikata dva morji. S
Plaža je resnično nekaj posebnega. Razlika med morjema je dobro vidna in sprehod med njima je nekaj posebnega. Na plaži sicer zelo piha, tako da bodite pozorni tudi na to. Ogromno je surferjev, ljudje spuščajo zmaje, ogromno dogajanja je. Okolica me spominja na puščavo, podoben pesek, rastline, sipine.
A place that has a really interesting attraction – a beach, where two seas collide.
The beach really is something special. You can actually see the difference between the two seas and walking inbetween is really extraordinary. It is super windy, something to be carefull about. There’s a bunch of surfers there, people are flying kites, there’s a lot going on. It reminds me of the desert, similar sand, plants and dunes.
Xoxo, A.
Vauuu…krasna deželica, bere se zanimivo:)*
Waaaaw kako čudovito!
Res je krasno ! =*
Hvala <3