
Summer Nail art idea

Poletje je čas za pisane nohte in danes sem za vas pripravila kratek vodič, kako same doma ustvarit popolne poletne nohte – pa če so vaši nohti kratki ali dolgi, ne glede na obliko!

It’s summer and it’s time for colourful nails. I prepared for you a short tutorial on how to make a perfect summer nails at home – weather your nails are short or long, no matter the shape!

Vsako lakiranje nohtov se začne z osnovo – pripravo nohtov. Zame je nepogrešljiv pripomoček steklena pilica, dober podlak in nadlak. Pri meni so na prvem mestu v tej katerogiji izdelki znamke Zoya. Noht je seveda pred lakiranjem potrebno razmastiti, za kar jaz uporabljam Zoya Remover+. Ko sem zadovoljna z njihovo obliko in jih razmastim, pride na vrsto podlak, v mojem primeru Zoya Anchor base coat. Pri tem poskrbim, da že s podlakom “zaprem” noht ob robu. 
Nail polishing starts with base everytime – nail preparation. Essential for me is a good nail file, I use Zoya’s crystal one, a good base and a great top coat. The winners in this category are also Zoya’s. Before applying nail polish you should prepare you nails, I help myself with Zoya Remover+. When I like their shape and degrease them, it’s time for base coat, in my case Zoya Anchor base coat. I am careful to “close” the nail edges with base coat.

Sedaj sledi težji del – lakiranje. Pri tej manikuri je osnova bel noht, za kar sem letos našla popolnost v flaški. Bel lak za nohte, prekriven že v enem sloju, z normalnim nanosom in sprejemljivim časom sušenja. Paese lak za nohte v odtenku 102. Uporabljam ga neprestano in se že bojim dneva, ko mi ga bo zmanjkalo. Zakaj bel lak? Da pridejo barve lepše do izraza in so bolj žive.
Now to the hardest part – polishing. As a base for this many I used white nail polish, for which I was lucky enough to find a perfection in a bottle. White nail polish, fully opaque in one coat, with a normal application and acceptable drying time. Paese nail polish in shade 102. I use it all the time and I’m already fearing the day I will run out of it. Why white base? For colours to really pop out and be more vibrant.

Ko so nohti beli (in suhi) pa sledi še poslikava. Na kup sem zbrala vse neonske, poletne barve lakov, vzela gobico in se lotila ustvarjanja. Nekaj nasvetov:
When nails are white (and dry) there comes the nail art. I collected all my neon, summer, vibrant nail polishes, took the sponge and start creating. A few advices:

  • Pred pričetkom lakiranja zaščiti obnohtno kožico. Moj naj pripomoček za ta namen je Born Pretty Store tekoči lateks, ki ga lahko kupiš v njihovi spletni trgovini, trenutno je znižan na samo $2,99, poštnine pa nimajo (uporabiš pa lahko tudi mojo kodo za 10% popust: YXNX31)
  • Protect your cuticles in the start. I use Born Pretty Store Odor-free peel off nail latex, that you can buy at their web site, and it’s currently on sale for $2,99, and the shipping is free (you can also use my code for 10% off: YXNX31)

  • Za takšne manikure se uporabljajo različne gobice, od kuhinjskih do tistih za make up. Sama uporabljam kar navadno kuhinjsko gobico, ki jo razrežem. 
  • For this kind of mani a bunch of different sponges can be used from the ones used in the kitchen to make up sponges. I use the ordinary kitchen sponge that I cut appart.

  • Čisto nežno z gobico tapkam po nohtu, malenkost gor in dol, da se barve lepo prelijejo. Takoj nato pa nanesem nadlak, saj se barve tako še lepše prelijejo in mi izgleda lepše. Uporabljam Zoya Armor nadlak.
  • I tap with the sponge on my nails really gently up and down for better colour transition. I use a good drying top coat immediately, since that way the transition is even better and it looks prettier. I use Zoya Armor Top coat.

  • Če pa vseeno obnohtno kožico popackate, pa lahko vse skupaj počistite s pravokotnim ozkim čopičem in acetonom.
  • If you do stain your cuticles, you can clean it up with a rectangular thin brush and aceton.

In to je to. Čudoviti poletni nohti v pol ure. Uporabite lahko katerekoli barve, vsekakor pa priporočam belo osnovo!
And that’s that. Gorgeous summer nails in around half an hour. You can use any colour you like but I do recommend white base!

Xoxo, A.

**this post includes PR product provided for honest review**

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