This is a polish from Aqutix collection and it is supposed to be “ocean sand”. I say, it is! This polish is gorgeous, just see it:
Tale lakec je iz Aquatix omejene kolekcije in naj bi bil “ocean sand”, torej je lakec s teksturo. In jaz pravim, tako je! Je prelep, samo poglejte si ga:
This is ONE coat and appliacation couldn’t be easier. It also dries fast. True love if I ever saw one In a dark blue base packed with teal glitters.
Tole je EN sloj in nanos ne bi mogel biti lažji. Tudi suši se hitro. Čista ljubezen Temno modra baza nabita z turkiznimi bleščicami.
This one is really beautiful with top coat too.
Zelo lep je tudi, ko nanesem nadlak!
What do you think? Did you get anything from this limited edition?
Kaj menite? Imate kaj iz te omejene kolekcije?
Xoxo, Nyx
And there are – as always – other girls
aww when u added the top coat i fell in love
Odtenek brez nadlaka mi je tak mermaid-ish. Lep!