
S-He Stylezone 070

Maybe you’ve noticed I haven’t posted a lot lately. And I’ve had a good reason for it – we’ve been renovating and there was no time left for my blog. But almost everything is done now, and my blog is back again 🙂 And today I’m back with another lipstick.
Mogoče ste opazile, da zadnje čase ne objavljam pogosto. In za to sem imela dober razlog – prenova hiše mi je namreč vzela ves čas. Ampak zdaj je skorajda vse gotovo in moj blog je nazaj 😉 In danes sem nazaj, spet s šminko.


My choice for this week is S-he Stylezone Aqua Shine Lipstick in #070. I have a few lipsticks from before they did a make over of their line and I was never a huge fan of them. So I never even looked at the new ones until the last time I was at DM. They always have a bunch of sale/discontinued items bins, and when I saw they had a bunch of lipsticks for only 1€ I decided it is the perfect opportunity to try them! I choose the shade that is named only with number(yup, I hate it! – I want names!). 


Moja izbira za ta teden je S-he Stylezone Aqua Shine Lipsticks v #070. Imma že nekaj njihovi šmink – pred prenovo stojala. Niso me najbolj prepričale, zato tudi nikoli nisem posvečala preveč pozornosti tem ta novim. Do zadnjega obiska DM-a. Kot verjetno veste, imajo vedno ogromno posod z znižanimi izdelki, in v eni izmed teh sem našla kup šmink, znižanih na 1€. Takrat sem se odločila, da je to odlična priložnost, da jih preiskusim. Vzela sem šminko, ki pa ima nažalost za ime samo številko(in ja, ne maram tega! – hočem imena!).


070 is a wonderful purple lipstick. Shiny, but without glitters. Opaque in one coat, but it can be built up, if you want a bolder look. And what I love the most about it – it super moisturuzing! It doesn’t dry my lips a bit, I could even use it instead of lip balm. It also smells nice – a bit fruity and sweet.
070 je čudovita šminka. Svetleča, ampak brez bleščic. Prekrivna v enem sloju, ampak se lahko sloji, če želite bolj drzen izgled. In kar je meni najbolj všeč – je zelo vlažilna! Mojih ustnic niti malo ne izsuši, lahko bi jo celo uporabila namesto balzama za ustnice. Tudi diši lepo – sadno in sladko.


I’ve been looking for this kind of lipstick for a while and I’m glad I took this one. I will for sure take a look at the others the next time I’m in the store. Do you have any suggestions for me, either for S-he stylezone lipsticks or for this kind of colour lipstick?
Takšno šminko sem iskala kar nekaj časa in zelo sem vesela, da sem vzela tole. Definitivno bom naslednjič v trgovini namenila pozornost še ostalim. Imate kak predlog zame, ali za S-he stylezone šminko ali za šminko podobne barve?

xoxo, Nyx

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