
BornPrettyStore Qgirl – 032 + Deborah Milano Get the Nude Look swatch

 I received this lovely package from BornPrettyStore and one of the items I got was this stamping plate. It’s called “Bird Animal Pattern Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate Pattern #Qgirl-032“.
 Iz spletne trgovine BornPrettyStore sem prejela čudovit paketek, in ena izmed stvari, ki sem jih prejela, je bila tale ploščica za štempljanje, ki se imenuje “Bird Animal Pattern Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate Pattern #Qgirl-032“.


 The plate has 10 different images, 1 of those is full nail. All of the images look tribal and all of them stamp well – the only thing I’ve had a few problems with is the lizard. Anyways, the plate itself is round and metal. When you get it, it has protective film on it, so it is safe. The full nail pattern is suitable also for wider and longer nails, since it is rather wide and long.
 Ploščica ima 10 različnih podob, 1 je namenjena za cel noht. Vsi vzorčki so plemenski vzorčki in vsi se lepo odtisnejo – malo problemov sem imela edino s tamalim kuščarjem. Ploščica sama po sebi je okrogla in kovinska. Ob nakupu ima zaščitni sloj, tako da se ne poškoduje. Vzorček za cel noht je velik in širok, tako da je primeren tudi za širše in daljše nohte.


 I also decided to do a nail art with this plate, and here’s what I did:
 Seveda sem ploščico uporabila tudi na nohtih, ustvarila sem tole:

 For the base I used Deborah Milano Pret A Porter nail polish in #46 Get the Nude Look. Get the Nude Look is amazing polish, I really love this shade. It is a pale nude polish, with a hint of grey in it. It needs two coats to be fully opaque and the application is easy – it evens itself out, so no patches or streaking is here.
 Za osnovo sem uporabila Deborah Milano Pret A Porter lak za nohte v odtenku #46 Get the Nude Look. To je čudovit lak in zelo mi je všeč. Je svetel odtenek kožne barve s sivim podtonom. Za popolno prekrivnost potrebuje 2 sloja, nanos pa je zelo enostaven – se namreč sam izravna ob nanosu, tako da ni prog od čopiča ali česarkoli drugega.
 I also made a video for the nail art look I did, I’d be really happy if you would take a look and let me know what you think =)
 Posnela sem tudi svoj prvi nail art video. Zelo bi me veselilo, če bi si vzele čas in ga pogledale, ter mi seveda zaupale vaše mnenje =)

 I also received a promo code for my lovely readers, you can use it to get 10% off of your order at bornprettystore – they also ship worldwide for free!!
 Prejela sem tudi promocijsko kodo za svoje bralke, če jo uporabite, dobite 10% popusta pri nakupu na spletni strani bornprettystore – pošiljajo vsepodovsod in to zastonj!!


Thanks for watching!
Hvala za ogled!
Xoxo, Nyx

(26) komentarjev

  1. Mannas Manis pravi:

    Perfect stamping! I wish my images picked up that perfectly 🙁

  2. T Bellew pravi:

    Awesome plate with some nice designs, your mani is lovely x

  3. Naked Without Polish pravi:

    Love the pattern you picked! A lot of fun!

  4. Monis Mani pravi:

    really pretty plate! great stamping!

  5. Albertine Brandon pravi:

    Love the patterns included in this, they look fab on your nails! x

  6. Blingfinger pravi:

    Congrats on your first video! Your stamping looks great. I tried two Q-girls plate and couldn't get them to work at all.

  7. Sumeet Singh pravi:

    Yay for your first video!! Love the stamping!

  8. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you! I've read not all of their plates are that good, but so far I was lucky =)

  9. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you!

  10. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you!

  11. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you!

  12. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you!

  13. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you so much! I've read not all plates are good, but so far I was lucky =)

  14. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you!! =)

  15. Jenny Olesen pravi:

    Very nice! I like the stamping over the nude polish. It shows it off very well.

  16. Tamara Marie pravi:

    That's a really neat plate! I like what you did with the design!

  17. I like the plate and the stamping you did! I've had very good luck with Born Pretty stuff. 🙂

  18. Amy L pravi:

    Very pretty. BPS is stepping up their game lately when it comes to stamping plates.

  19. Polish and Paws pravi:

    Great mani! I've had good luck with BPS plates so far.

  20. Roselynn Mercedes pravi:

    Oh wow this pattern is fantastic! I am definitely adding this plate to my shopping cart next time around.

  21. loveforlacquer pravi:

    Amazing job! You're a stamping pro!

  22. Polished Techie pravi:

    loved the pattern

  23. Michelle Chouinard pravi:

    Beautiful manicure! I love the deco look. 🙂

  24. Schette EssaiBeauté pravi:

    I love the designs on the plate. You did a great job by doing this mani, the colors match perfectly

  25. Anita@StyleThoseNails pravi:

    Nice post. I loved the dragon image a lot

  26. Alpana Ladwani pravi:

    Nice review, i loved the stamping design.

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