L’Occitane Slovenija v sodelovanju z Niko Veger, z Beautifull Bloga, pripravlja garažno razprodajo. Hm…le kaj to pomeni? Na garažni razprodajo bo moč kupiti prekrasne izdelke iz L’Occitanovih izložb. Vse, ki smo kdaj pogledale njihove izložbe vemo, da so zmeraj naravnost čudovite. In te krasne dodatke bo sedaj moč kupiti po nizkih cenah. Kdaj, kdo, zakaj? V nadaljevanju 😉
L’Occitane Slovenia is preparing a garage sale in collaboration with Nika Veger, Beautfil blog. Hm… what does that mean? You’ll be able to buy all of the gorgeous products from L’Occitane’s displays. Everyone that has ever looked in their displays knows that they are always absolutelly stunning. And all of those beautiful props will be on sale. When, who and why? More to follow 😉
Vse skupaj se bo pričelo 20.10.2016 z dobrodelno otvoritvijo ob 17.00, ves izkupiček tega dne pa bo namenjen centru slepih športnikov “Vidim cilj”. Garažna razprodaja bo nato trajalo vse do 29.10.2016, odprta pa bo od 12.00 in 19.00. Naj že takoj povem, da je poiskati to za ne-ljubljančane lahko mala nočna mora, ampak s podrobnim opisom verjamem, da vam bo uspelo 😉
It’ll all start 20.10.2016 with a charity opening at 17.00, all the money of that days’ sales will be dedicated to the center of blind atletess “Vidim cilj”. Garage sale will last all the way until 29.10.2016 and it’ll be open from 12.00 untill 19.00. Let me tell you, for people that are not from Ljubljana finding the place can be a bit of a nightmare, but with a detailed description, I’m sure you’ll make it 😉
Če v navigacijo vnesete naslov Cilenškova ulica 42 vas bo pripeljala kolikor toliko pravilno. Vendar so to bloki pred skladiščem Goya, in namesto da zavijete k blokom, peljite ravno do skladišča – se vidi s ceste in je tudi majhen napis. Verjamem, da bo od tam naprej vse označeno in ne boste imele problemov.
If you enter the address “Cilenškova 42” into the navigation, it’ll bring you somewhat right. But this address are the buildings in front of the Goya warehouse and instead going left you go straight ahead to the warehouse – it is seen from the road and there is a small sign. I believe everything will be marked and you’ll have no problems.
Lepotne blogerke smo imele to čast, da smo si garažno razprodajo ogledale prve in vsaka si je lahko tudi izbrala tri kose. Naj vam že kar takoj povem, da izbira samo treh kosov ni bila lahka za nobeno izmed nas, vse pa že delamo plane, kaj bomo kupile, ko bo razprodaja tudi uradno odprta.
Beauty bloggers had this honour to see the garale sale first and each of us could choose three pieces. Let me tell you, picking only three was very hard for us and we already have a plan on what to buy when the sale will be oficially open.
Sama sem po dolgih debatah in primerjanju izbrala te tri kose. Zakaj? Ker bodo odlični za fotografije in ker sem že vnaprej vedela, zakaj jih želim uporabiti. V spalnici imam namreč omarico, na kateri je sicer roža, ampak mi nekaj manjka. Zato sem te tri kose s pridom uporabila. Zlate vejice zgolj kot dekoracijo, leseni košarici ter (prekraaasni) kočiji pa sem dodala tudi uporabno vrednost. Tako me zdaj v košarici čakajo nogavičke brez para, ki sem jih imela prej samo nametane na omari, kočija pa je kot ustvarjena za nakit.
After long consideration I choose this three pieces. Why? Because I knew they’ll be perfect for shootings and I’ve already knew how I want to use them. I have a cabinet in my bedroom, on which I have a plant but otherwise something is missing. And I’ve used the three pieces wisely. The golden leaves only for decoration, but the wooden basket and (gorgeous) carriage now have also useful purpose. So now I have loose socks waiting for me in the basket and the carriage was made for jewelry.
In še slikica prej – potem:
And a before – after picture:
Sama sem s preureditvijo prostora zelo zadovoljna, komaj pa tudi že čakam začetek garažne razprodaje, saj imam nagledanih še kar nekaj stvari in upam, da mi jih bo uspelo dobiti.
I am very happy with the new arragement and I can hardly wait the start of the garage sale, since I have a few stuff on my wishlist and I hope I’ll manage to get it.
Se boste udeležile razprodaje? Vesela bom, če mi boste zaupale, kaj ste ali pa si želite kupiti.
Will you go to the sale? I will be happy if you’ll tell me what you or want to buy.