
Essence Hidden Stories LE nail polishes – my picks

Yesterday I got lucky and saw this LE in the stores. I took two nail polishes

01 Enter Wonderland and 03 Mauvellous Fairy

01 Enter Wonderland:


This polish is a complete PITA!! The first time I tried to put it on…well, it didn’t work so well. I wasn’t really careful with the first coat(I normally am not, because I always use two coats, and correct any mistakes with the second coat) and what a big mistake that was. With this polish you can’t correct mistakes with the next(and the next and the next) coat, all coats have to be perfect for it to look good. Otherwise this happens:


This is THREE coats, and you can still see my mistake from the first coat. So, I took it off and started again. This time more carefull.

It can be opaque in one coat, but you need to be reallyreally careful with application. It dries matte(as it says on the cap), and like the colour a lot. It’s a purple-ish gray, very soft and delicate.
03 Mauvellous Fairy


Well, this one was a dissapointment too. Amazing colour, but it is extremelly sheer =/ I love the colour, but three coats for it to be somewhat opaque. Yeah, not woth it. I will try and layer it over some other polish – any suggestions?


I really wanted to get the pink polish too, but I couldn’t find it =/
What about you? Did you get anything from this TE? Am I missing something great?

xoxo, Nyx

(10) komentarjev

  1. Julie McQueen pravi:

    Great blog♥

    How about follow each other?
    I follow your blog. Waiting for you♥
    My Blog: http://juliemcqueen.blogspot.com

  2. Gelic pravi:

    Think I've seen these too but I'm not that into buying them. That white one looked good after your second attempt but it seems like too much work, there are other polishes working twice as good as that. XD
    About the last polish I'd layer it over a purple creme to start with, just to see what that looks like. Secondly I'd try it over black creme 😛

  3. Ta belo siv pa ni ravno najbolj posrečen…sem že na veliko blogih prebrala slabe stvari o njem :/

  4. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Thank you =) I'm following you too 😉 Hope to hear from you again! 😉

  5. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Yeah, it is too much work =/ I think I will try the purple one over black! Thank you for your suggestions 😉

  6. Nyx Nyx pravi:

    Res se jim ni najbolj posrečilo. Pa drugače lepo izgleda, ampak formula… =/

  7. Sonia Verardo pravi:

    I love essence! Thanks for stopping by my blog lovely <3
    Let me know if you'd like us to keep in touch by following eachother on GFC?
    xo from Italy,
    Sonia Verardo

  8. Anonimni pravi:

    Hey! Amazing blog post and very inspiring blog! Keep up the great work, I'm a fan! 🙂

    xoxo Jealsea Follow for follow? Just let me know on my blog! 🙂

  9. Ithfifi Williams pravi:

    I am so sorry to hear you were let down by these polishes, that always sucks! I love the look of 03 Mauvellous Fairy but after reading about how sheer it is I think I would think twice if I see it in the store now. xx

  10. Michèle Kruesi pravi:

    The mate white color looks so beautiful.


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