
Essence Valentine – Who Cares? Limited Edition


 Ta kolekcija me je pritegnila že s samim imenom, saj sama ne praznujem tega dneva. Dva izdelka sem prejela od uvoznikov, tekočo šminko pa sem kupila sama.
 This limited edition draw me with the name, since I am one of those that don’t celebrate this day. I received two of the products from the importet and I bought the liquid lipstick myself.

Liquid Lipstick 02 I’m Not Into Roses



 Te šminke sem se po promo fotkah najbolj veselila. Ko sem jo prvič preizkusila, sem bila navdušena in razočarana hkrati. Všeč mi je njena barva, svetleča temna vampy rdeča. Na žalost pa se razen izredne pigmentacije, podobnost s šminko konča. Zadeva je bolj podobna glosu za ustnice – slabša obstojnost, razlivanje preko roba ustnic, itd. Vsekakor priporočam uporabo barvice za ustnice. Zaradi vsega naštetega ravno ne priporočam, da jeste in pijete z njo, prav tako odsvetujem poljubljanje 😉  Jaz nakupa ne obžalujem, saj mi ima navkljub vsem pomankljivostim prekrasno barvo in jo bom z veseljem uporabljala. Sicer bi mi bila bolj pri srcu, če bi bila mat, ampak vse tudi ne more biti popolno, kajne?


 This was the one thing that I was most excited about from the promo shots. After my first try, I was impressed and dissapointed at the same time. I really like its colour, shiny dark vampy red. Unfortunatelly, the only thing that ties this to a lipstick is its extraordinary pigmentation. It is really more of a lip gloss – bad endurance, etc. I really recommend use of lip pencil. I wouldn’t advise you to eat or drink with it, also I don’t recommend kissing with it 😉  I don’t regret buying it, since the colour is really gorgeous and I will be using it a lot. I would prefer it being matte, but then everything can’t be perfect, right?


Smokey Eyeshadow Stick 02 L.O.V.E. BLAH! BLAH!



 Priznam, nisem najbolj navdušena nad senčili v stiku, ne vem, nekako jih nikoli nisem uporabljala. Sama ga nikoli ne bi kupila in sedaj vem, da bi to bilo obžalovanja vredno.Barva je prekrasna, rjava, spominja na šampanjec in z veseljem ga bom uporabljala tako za dnevni kot za nočni make up. Obstojnost je dobra, na meni brez problema zdrži cel dan. Na žalost se ne da ravno zabrisati, je pa odlična podlaga za ličenje.  Sam nanos je izredno enostaven, saj je konica zaobljena ravno prav.


 I must confess, I wasn’t really fond of eyeshadows in a stick, I never used them. I wouldn’t buy it and now I know it would be regret worthy. The colour is gorgeous, brown, it reminds me of champagne and I’m happy to use it for both, every day make up and for the mold bolder options. It lasts long, it easily holds on me the entire day. Unfortunatelly you can’t really blend it, but it is a great base. The application is really easy, for me the tip is rounded just right.

Translucent Fixing Powder 01 Guys Allowed, Not!



 Tale je vreden nakupa že samo zaradi izgleda. Zvezdice in srčki ♥ Essence v svoje pudre, bronzerje, rdečila, in podobno, vedno kaj odtisne, in tudi tokrat je temu tako. In izgleda totalno srčkano! Sama sem ga uporalbljala v dva namena – za matiranje in za blendanje, saj tako piše v opisu. Za oboje se odlično obnese, zelo sem zadovoljna!
 This one is worth buying just because of the way it looks. Stars and hearts ♥ Essence always puts a print in their powders, bronzers, blushes and stuff like that, and it is the same this time. And it looks totally cute! I use it for two purposes – for mattifying and blending, as it sais in the description. It works perfectlly for both, I am very happy with it.


 Ta kolekcija je izredno zanimiva in vsi trije izdelki so me navdušili! Vesela sem, da sem prejela ta dva izdelka, saj ju sama verjetno nikoli ne bi kupila, sta pa definitivno vredna nakupa.
 This limited edition is really interesting and all three items really impressed me! I am really happy to received the two products I did, since I’d never buy them myself and they are worth buying.

 Kaj pa je vas navdušilo v Valentine – Who Cares? omejeni kolekciji? Mislite, da je še kaj, kar je vredno nakupa? Veselilo bi me, če boste svoje pridobitve s te kolekcije delile z mano na moji Facebook strani.
 What did impress you in Valentine – Who Cares? limited edition? Is there anything else worth buying? I’ll be really happy if you will share your new products from this limited edition with me on my Facebook page.

Xoxo, Nyx

(2) komentarja

  1. Šminkica izgleda top rdeča. In sem vesela, da si dobila izdelke, ki ti ustrezajo.

  2. I love this collection! Essence always comes up with cheaply priced, yet great limited editions and this ones lovely !! I like the look of the shadow especially !!

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