



Sunset inspired – make up and nails

I recently saw that lovely Tara from The beauty of nail polish is hosting a giveaway – make up & nail contest. And – duuuh – I decided to participate. She posted a bunch of themes to be inspired from, and the first one that screamed to me was “Sunset”. I did it all – make up and nails. And since this is an isnpiration contest I did a little someting extra with my makeup – I also draw on my lips, not just used a lipstick 😉
Pred kratkim sem videla, da ima Tara z bloga The beauty of nail polish nagradno igro – natečaj. In – seveda – sem se odločila sodelovati. Objavila je več tem, ki bi nam naj služile za inspiracijo, in prva, ki sem si jo izbrala, je bila “Sončni zahod”. In ustvarila sem tako make up videz kot nail art. In ker je to natečaj, sem naredila nekaj posebnega – ustvarila sem videz tudi na ustnicah, nisem uporabila zgolj šminke 😉

Make Up:








Kako se vam zdi? Hvala za ogled!
What do you think? Thanks for watching!

Xoxo, Nyx

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