
Pamper your lips: Labello Care & Colour Red


 Danes vam predstavljam balzam za ustnice, ki je po hitrem postopku postala moja najljubša. Všeč mi je že sama embalaža, saj je bela in mi izgleda bolj elegantno kot njihovi ostali balzami za ustnice. Prav tako mi je všeč, da je vrh odrezan poševno, saj da malo bolj poseben videz.
 Today I am presention you a lip balm that quickly became my favourite. I love the packaging, it’s white and looks a bit more elegant that their other lip balms. I also like the way the top is cut -diagonally, which makes it look a bit more unique.


V Care & Colour liniji so trije balzami za ustnice – Rose, Nude in Red, torej rožnat, kožen in rdeč. Priznam, najbolj mi je všeč ravno rdeč, ne bi se pa branila tudi rožnatega.

There are three lip balms in Care & Colour line – Rose, Nude and Red. My favourite of the three is the red one, and I also like the rose one.


Ko sem ga začela uporabljati so bile moje ustnice v dokaj slabem stanju za kar krivim neprestano izgubljanje balzamov za ustnice. V prvem trenutku po nanosu sem bila, priznam, razočarana, saj so bile ustnice še vedno preseneteljivo suhe in razpokane. Ampak sem se motila – za pravi učinek je potrebno počakati nekaj trenutkov, in potem so bile moje ustnice lepo mehke in navlažene. Občutek ostane na ustnicah in balzama ni potrebno nanašati vsakih 5min.

My lips were in a pretty bad shape the moment I started using it, I blame me constantly loosing lip balms. In the first moment after applying it I have to say I was pretty dissapointed since my lips were still dry and chapped. But I was wrong – for the effect you have to wait a few moments and then my lips were nice, soft and moisturized. This feelings stays on lips and you don’t need to apply the lip balm for every five minutes.


 Barva je nežna, nekje med rožnato in rdečo z oranžnim sijajem. Slika pred nanosom in po nanosu:
 The colour is soft, somewhere between pink and red with an orange sheen. Before and after applying it:


Obožujem obarvane balzame za ustnice, saj imam rada na svojih ustnicah vsaj nekaj barve. Prav tako so mi super za potovanja, saj potem ne rabim balzama in šminke, ampak s sabo nosim samo balzam. Kot že rečeno ta ni nobena izjema in se je z lahkoto uvrstil na prvo mesto.

 I love coloured lip balms, since I need some colour on my lips. I adore them for vacations, I don’t need lip balm and lip stick just the balm is enugh, As I’ve said it before this one isn’t an exception and easily became my favourite lip balm.

Več balzamov za ustnice, ki jih ponuja Labello si lahko ogledate tukaj.
You can find more lip balms that you can get from Labello here.

Kateri pa je vaš najljubši balzam za ustnice? Ste že preizkusile katerega znamke Labello?
Which one is your favourite lip balm? Have you tried any from Labello?


Xoxo, Nyx

**PR product provided for honest review**

(5) komentarjev

  1. Kirsty Meenan pravi:

    These look so moisturising and nourishing 🙂 I would love to try them out:) thanks for sharing x


  2. Swathi Bhat pravi:

    Looks so great on your lips, would love to try it 🙂


  3. This balm looks so moisturizing.

  4. Ooh I love the look of your lips with this product on them, the light colour is a great touch xxxx

  5. Ursula Ball pravi:

    I have not tried this brand but I will definitely go for the Rose colored!!



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