
Cuticle Care: Avon Nail Experts Advanced Mira-cuticle Vanishing Complex


 Pred časom mi je podjetje Avon poslalo čudovit paketek, v katerem je bilo ogromno izdelkov za nohte, in lahko si predstavljate moje veselje, ko sem ugotovila, da je v paketku tudi krema za obnohtno kožico, katero se res že kar nekaj časa trudim spraviti v normalno stanje. Sedaj pa sploh,ko je zunaj mrzlo in je takoj suha in grozna.
 A while ago I got a wonderful package from Avon in which there was a bunch of nail products and you can imagine my joy when I discovered that there is also a cuticle cream. I am trying a while now to get my cuticles back in order. Especially now when it’s cold outside and my cuticles are immediately dry and looks and feels awful.


 Avon krema za obnohtno kožico se imenuje Advanced Mira-cuticle vanishing complex in je v priročni embalaži v obliki tube, ki je super tudi za v torbico. Všeč mi je, saj se da z lahkoto nadzirati količina izstiska in embalaža ni pretrda za to.
 Avon cuticle cream is called Advanced Mira-cuticle vanishing complex, comes in convenient tube which is great to put in your purse. I love that it is easy to control the amout of cream you want to get and the packaging is not to hard to squeeze it.


 Obnohtna kožica je po uporabi vidno nahranjena in navlažena, z redno uporabo pa se vzpostavi normalno stanje, brez suhih delčkov.
 Cuticles are nourished and moisturized after use, with regular use you get really pretty cuticles without dry parts.


Slike pred, med in po uporabi:
Pictures before, between and after use:



 Kot lahko vidite jo jaz uporabljam tako, da nanesem kremo na obnohtno kožico in počakam, da se vsaj delno vpije. Nato preostanek vmasiram – vsak noht masiram vsaj 10sekund.
Ta kremica me je navdušila in je že postala moja stalnica. Vsekakor je priporočam vsaki, ki si želi poskrbeti za svojo obnohtno kožico.
 As you can see I put cream on my cuticles and then I wait for it to asorb at least a little. Then I rub in what’s still left – I rub at least 10s each finger.
This cuticle cream really impressed me and I recommend it to each and everyone that would like to take care of their cuticles.


Tukaj si lahko tole kremo za obnohtno kožico ogledate na Avonovi spletni strani.
Here you can find this cuticle cream on Avon’s website.
Kaj pa ve najraje uporabljate za nego rok in obnohtne kožice?
What do you like to use for your hand and cuticle care?

Xoxo, Nyx

(3) komentarji

  1. Shahneela Shamim pravi:

    This sounds like a great product.. currently I am not using any thing for my cuticles but nowp I really need to get a good cuticle cream for winters..

  2. Shahneela Shamim pravi:

    This sounds like a great product.. currently I am not using any thing for my cuticles but nowp I really need to get a good cuticle cream for winters..

  3. Looks nice 🙂
    Maria V.

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