
Cosmoprof Bologna 2017


One of the biggest beauty fairs, Cosmoprof, celebrated its 50th anniversary this year. I had the honour to be invited as one of the bloggers and, of course, I was super happy to see it. Today there will be a few words about the fair, a few facts and interesting things and in shortly after I will show you the top new products I got to know and that sparked my interest.cosmoprof-bologna-2017

There were 2604 this year from more then 69 countries of the world. Entire fair is spread over more then 29 halls and trust me, the visit is no laughing matter. I went there fully convinced I am totally prepared for it and I couldn’t be more wrong. After walking around the entire day I still didn’t manage to visit all of the exhibitors that I was interested in, a fact that makes me sad, but we can’t have it all, right? 😉



I know there is a lot of people who think that this fair is for professionals and for people in beauty industry only. I have to say I disagree with that. I think a lot of exhibitors were ready for ordinary people – don’t get me wrong, there is, of course, a lot of exhibitors that are looking for importers and a bunch of products are for professional use only, which is logical, but there are also many brands that were interesting for all beauty lovers. I’d recommend a visit to the fair to everyone that are interested in cosmetics, make up and the newest inovations in the world of beauty care, since a lot of novelties were introduced at the fair and we as visitors had the unique opportunity to be the first to see and try the new stuff. Not to mention the program of the fair that was really interesting and for which I wish I had more time for. There were a lot of  experts from the field of skin care and a bunch of make up artists that took their time, not only to present their products but also to listen to the visitors and help them with their problems.

cosmoprof-bologna-2017FAIR PREPARATION

The first thing that is crucial to know is, THE FAIR IS HUGE! When Anja from Bonita Lavi blog drove and me arrived at the fair, we were surprised to see a lot of people walking around with suitcases but in the end of the day we both wished we each had  asuitcase of our own. Luckily for me I did think a bit and brought a backpack instead of a purse with me, in which there was at least something to drink – there was absolutelly no time for food there. As a part of mandatory equipment I’d also recommend skin care wipes, since there is so much make up and creams to try, everything cannot be absorbed into skin and every now and then a wipe will come in handy.


I’ve gotten to know a lot of new brands and products and I am really glad I got this opportunity.

In the end, a few praises:

Thank you, Anja, for your lovely company and a beautiful gift, I feel really bad I didn’t even think about bringing you something. I hope to see you again!

Thank you, Cosmoprof, for this amazing opportunity and possibility to visit probably to closest thing to heaven for me!

And thank you to all of the exhibitors that took their time to talk to me and I really regret not having time to meet all! I hope to see you next year 😉 (And for the end a few more pictures.)Spoznala sem ogromno novih znamk in izdelkov in res sem vesela za to priložnost.

Za konec pa še par pohval:

Hvala, Anja, za čudovito družbo in prekrasno darilo, mi je ful hudo, da se jaz nisem spomnila in ti kaj prinesla. Upam, da se še kdaj vidiva in kakšno rečeva!

Hvala Cosmoprofu za to čudovito priložnost in možnost, da sem obiskala verjetno najbližji približek nebes zame!

Hvala vsem razstavljalcem, ki ste si vzeli čas zame in poklepetali z mano in žal mi je, da nisem uspela spoznati vseh! Pa drugo leto 😉 (Za konec pa še nekaj več slikic.)













Xoxo, A.

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