
Travel with me: Lovrenška lakes


Bye, bye summer, hello fall!

Each season has its own charm, each brings its own beauty and joy, but still.. Summer is my time. I adore warm days, swimming, sun, wandering around and summer nights. But now it’s time for me to say goodbye to this years summer. And how better to do that than with a trip? Somewhere where there is sun, fall colours and where nature is in all its glory? Where?

 LOVRENŠKA LAKESlovrenska_jezera_a_trip_in_slovenia-6-1


Lovrenška jezera (lakes) are in the middle of Pohorje, somewhere between Rogla and Ribniško Pohorje. The best way to get there is by foot and there are many ways to get there. The walk is beautiful and mainly effortless, but you do walk up hill a little bit.


How (long)?

I recommend proper gear or at least some proper shoes. You walk mostly in the woods, the way is regulated, but you still walk in nature. The distance to the lakes is around an hour and a half of walking from Rogla, and the walk around the lakes can take anywhere between fifteen minutes and multiple hours, it all depends on how much time you’d like to spend in nature, maybe sit down by the lakes, have a break, do a bunch of photos,…

The way to the lakes is marked, there is no worry for getting lost. My choice was a start on Rogla, by hotel Planja and I suggest you make you research on what the best way for you out of the four official ones would be.



Lovrenška jezera (lakes) are in the middle of a swamp and you can only walk on the wooden paths. Water gets there only with raind and around the lakes there are small bushes. At the beginning of the lakes there is also a observation tower from which you can see the entire lake area.



Because a half a day is enough.

Because it is a wonderful trip in the nature.

Because it is as demanding, but you still move around and have some exercise.

Because it is an interesting environment and it’s not something you see everyday.

Because you can do a bunch of interesting pictures! 😉


Do you have any other interesting ideas for a half day or a whole day trip?

Xoxo, A.


(2) Comments


  2. Lovrenška jezera so res čudovita, včasih smo ogromno hodili tja, sedaj pa že kar nekaj časa nisem bila. Bomo to spomladi popravili, hvala za idejo. ❤

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