Personal, Fashion

Hand-me-downs, family and birthday gifts


I want to talk about family and hand-me-downs today. I don’t know what the your habits are, but in my family stuff where always given on. Clothes, jewelry, baby and kids stuff, nothing still useful was ever thrown away-. And this is something that we still do today. it’s not as often, since we are all big enough to not grow out of our clothes and we have our own fashion style.


I’ve received a birthday gift from my father that I’ll be keeping in a special place. I’ve received my parent’s wedding rings, that have hung on the wall for a while. Why? My mother’s fingers were swollen and wearing it wasn’t pleasant for her any more. I want to put them in a box and in a showcase, where they’ll always remind me of my parents. Together with said rings I also received a bunch of my mama’s jewelry. Brooches, bracelets, necklaces and rings. beautiful jewelry I’ll be happy to wear. I took only one thing from the pile that day – a gorgeouos watch with pearl belt. Amazing, small, elegant.

fashion-mango-coat-knee-bootsAnother gift I want to talk about was given to me by my uncle. Even since I was a teenager and I was starting to get into fashion, he took me each year to Seiersberg, where I could pick my gift myself. He did so this year also. I think he regrets his decidion. Shopping with me isn’t extremely fun and I think my uncle, my aunt (and also my boyfriend) were really mad at me at the end. I am reallyreallyreally picky as far as clothes are concerned and I rarelly see a piece that I’d say, yes, this is what I want. So, after we walked and looked at over half of the stores there, my aunt and uncle started to give up and eventually men went their own way (Media Markt is a men’s sanctuary there), my aunt remembered, Mango.


The first thing that cought my eyes were this magnificent boots. Black, over knee and only ones. I didn’t want to look at the size, since my number is the most common shoes size, but who would have know, it was the right one! I tried them on immediatelly and walked up and down the store with them. I’ve gotten a ban to buy them from my aunt until my boyfriend sees them. As he had any word in me buying them, haha.


While waiting for the men to come to Mango (and yes, it seemed like forever!), my aunt kept checking the shop. I’ve been busy walking around in my new boots, haha. When my uncle and boyfriend finally came, she found the it-piece. My coat. Elegant, gray, beautiful. Made for me, as my uncle said. My birthday gift. And the day was saved!


Do you have any special birthday gifts with special stories? Do your family also hands down the things they don’t use anymore?



fashion-mango-coat-knee-bootsCoat: Mango
Boots: Mango
Xoxo, A.

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