
10 things you have to do this summer


Aaaaa, summer is finally here! And sunshine, high temperature and vacations are here with it! I gathered 10 things you HAVE to do this summer for you (and me), so we won’t get bored 😉

1. Put down the book you HAVE to read and read the one you WANT to

If you are anything like me, then you are constantly deciding between books you are supposed to read and books you want to read. Don’t get me wrong, I love to educate myself. But every once in a while a good criminal mistery is the way to go. 😉 And that is why you shoudl read at least one book for your soul this summer.

2. Try a new dish

I am almost certain that each and everyone of us has a dish or a restaurant they’d like to try, but you haven’t gathered the courage yet to do so. Be brave this summer and try! And I will be here, holding my fists the dishes doesn’t dissapoint us. Even better – try a new dish when you are abroad. If you are spending your vacations abroad, you should try their tradicional dishes.

3. Find a work out, made for you

The sad truth is, we all need to move and exercise. But not every one likes the same kind of work out. This summer is just the right time for you to try and find out what a good work out for you would be. Water sports, group exercies, fitness, swimming and every thing else is out there waiting to be discovered. I wish you’d find the one work out that’d make you happy and not misserable!

4. Dress up. Just because 😉

Take your time on just an ordinary day and dress up. Perfect make up, pretty dress, high heels, great nails and amazing hair. Don’t leave anything out! And then… just feel like a princess 😉 For the perfect day, call your friends and then have a ‘fancy’ photoshooting!

5. Have a waterballoon fight

Water balloons take me vack to my (pre)teenage years, when we had wars with them. Since summer temperatures are THE thing for water balloon fights, I suggest you forget about everything and just have the fun! On the plus site – you will be refereshed!

6. Make a picnic

This summer you should put together a real picnic. Even if only on your back yard. A blancket on the floor, the food from the basket, nature, you and everyone you wish to invite. And also those little animal friends that’ll invite themselves 😉

7. Have a ‘digital diet’

Forget about your phone, computer, television,… Give Instagram and Facebook a break and just enjoy life. There are only two occassions your phone is allowed: When you have to make a call and for all the pictures you will take.

8. Go for a night walk

Walking around at night is not the same then it is when it’s light outside. It is more peaceful, the sounds are different, the world is more beautiful. In the summer there are more stars and if you are lucky you can even see a shooting star (and make a wish!).

9. Roadtrip

A roadtrip is always a good idea. I am sure everyone has something near to take a trip there. Don’t complicate things, take just the neccessary things, pick your destination and just go! Car is a great way to discover new places too 😉

10. Visit a museum

I know, I know, we are all usually avoiding the museums. BUT, here me out! Make some research on Google and find an interesting museum, one you’ll be happy to visit. I know there is a museum for everyone out there. And if you are going to vacation abroad, visit a museum there!

Xoxo, A.

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