
Travel with me: Scala dei Turchi, Sicily


On the south of Sicily, near Porto Empedocle, there is a fairytale hidden. A white fairytale that truly leaves you breathless. The stone masterpiece of nature that you could admire for hours. And, of course, make a gazillion photos.

SCALA DEI TURCHI (Turkish steps)


Driving there is the way to go. There are signs that show the way. That you are near you find a bunch of cars and tourists there, that simply stop by the road and want to take a picture. There are a few of viewing points made, but there is no parking there, so you need to be carefull not a hit a car or a person that simply walk on and by the road.

There are parking places on the lower part, where there is access to the stairs but you have to pay for them. Unfortunatelly there isn’t a lot of other options for parking here, since parking by the road or in the nature can quickly get you a ticket. One of the more expensive parkings are here, but if you come in the evening, you can get a better deal. Turkish steps have got no entrance fee, so the only expence you’ll have is for the parking.


You cannot get all the way to turkish steps by car, you have two choices, one is to park somewhere on the upper part and you walk the stairs (first down and then up) or you park on the bottom and you have also a nice trip by the beach. The nature is interesting in this part and the walk is interesing, so I would suggest this second option.


But no matter what there is a climb on the turkish steps waiting for you – but in this case I am not talking about real steps but on the rocky hill, that kind of looks like steps but mostly you just walk up the hill. The climb is rather steep but lucky the rocks aren’t wet so it’s not slipery.  I (and many others) walked barefoot, since this way it was easier for me and it is less dangerous. Before the climb there are also a few feet of sea, another reason to walk barefoot – I carried my shoes in my arms, but there will be no harm if you simply leave them in your car.


The view on turkish steps is fenomenal, especially if you wait for the sunset – but keep in mind that dark comes after it and you might walk the hill in the dark, which could be a bit dangerous. There are some really narrow points and there is no protection, since this is something nature build. There can be a lot of people, but turkish steps are big enough for everyone – everyone can find their spot, their view and their place to take pictures.


If you are ever in Sicily, turkish steps are absolutely one of the places you have to visit! And don’t forget to charge your phone and camera, you are for sure coming home with a bunch of photos – just like I did!




Xoxo, A.

(2) Comments

  1. Kako zelo je lepo! Sploh nisem vedela, da na Siciliji obstaja kaj takega. Še en razlog več, da jo bo treba obiskati. ❤

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