
Wonderful scents of my childhood

I have great memories of my childhood. It was careless time, time to be crazy and I was happy. Every once in a while I come across a scent that brings the memories of those awesome days. Sometimes I know what’ll happened but sometimes I am unprepared. I want to share with you three scents today that have really marked my childhood and that certanly bring out wonderful memories.

1.) Freshly cut grass

scents-of-my-childhood-freshly-cut-grassI’ve spend a great deal of my childhood in nature. I was one of those children that wasn’t at home a lot. Either I was at my grandmother’s or I was somewhere with my friends or I was traveling with my parents. My parental grandparents aren’t originaly from Maribor, they come from a small village. That is way I’ve spend a great deal of summer at my grandmother’s birth house, our “Ranch”. Away from all the fuss, on a hill, away from civilisation. My little paradise on Earth. And a scent of summer, of freshly cut grass.
At the same time this scent reminds me of a village called Gornji Grad. What? A place, where I used to go camping. I’ve been a scout all of my youth and every year I’ve went camping for 14 days. Meadow and forest, with camp fire, river Dreta and youthful antics. Ah, those were the days!

2.) Wick VapoRub


I am sure you are familiar with this one. The moment I coughed, everyone started putting Wick on me, from my mother, father, grandparents, someone for sure had it. I know sick days aren’t exactly a great memory, but not for me. Those were the days when everyone pampered me, made me teas, took care of me and gave me a lot of attention. That is why I have such fond memories of the smell of Wick VapoRub.

3.) Nivea

When I was little, not a lot of creams were available. I knew of only one(if you don’t include sun cream) – Nivea in a metal blue packaging. With a really significant scent. That reminds me of gentleness and warmth. That took care of my skin. And that the whole bathroom smelled of when my mother was finished with her routine. She had this great ability, you know, she made the whole appartement smell wonderful just by putting a cream on. I always envied her that. I can’t do that, the smell of cream doesn’t event last on me, let alone linger around the bathroom. That is why I was super happy when I found out Nivea managed to capture this delightful smell in a eau de toilette. And now this wonderfull scent can follow me everywhere. It stays on me almost the whole day, if I put it on skin. If I spray it on my clothes it last a lot longer. A true Nivea scent, in a gorgeous packaging that I am happy to display it on my bathroom shelf.

Of course there are a bunch of other smells that remind me of my youth, the three mentioned are the ones I remember the most. What does you remind you of your childhood?

Xoxo, A.


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