
Travel with me: Orchids, butterflies and… parrots?


Saturdays are for trips. I opened the season with a show trip here in Slovenia, to Pomurje (north west of Slovenia). I wanted to see the orchid and butterfly exhibition. Where? In a gardening center Kurbus, somewhere between Radenci and Gornja Radgona.


First shock? Huuugeee crowd. There were a lot of people, full parking and a line to purchase the tickets that costs 7€ per person. I don’t know why but I really didn’t expect so many people there. We were walking one after another and you just hoped you won’t walk all over the person before you, since we were all looking around and stoping to take pictures.


I adore orchids! Gorgeous flowers I could watch all day. I do have a few at home but… let’s put it like this – I am no flower expert, but they do still live. And at Kurbus I had a lot to see. So many colours, shapes, sizes, from above, down bellow, everywhere around me – orchids. Really beautiful, blooming and it smells sooo good. The only problem: HEAT. Of course, I am in “tropical paradise” 😉 Luckily they’ve put a water dispenser along the way so you could refresh yourself.



Here came the other shock. There were only a few butterflies around, a bunch of them had broken or squished wings and I mostly felt just sorry for them instead of admiring their beauty. Some were even captured in the “walls” that were made from some kind of fabric. I wouldn’t recommend visiting this part of exhibition to any animal lover. Unfortunatelly I haven’t noticed anyone that’d take care of safety of this gorgeous creatures. We all know how people can be like.



In the room with butterflies there were also two parrots. One was clever and moved to the top branches so people couldn’t get to it, but the other was on a branch close to people. I was horrified. I understand people’s wish to take a picture. But stop touching it when it’s clearing shown you it doesn’t like it and moves away from you! Once again, I haven’t seen anyone being there to care for the parrots well being.



Visiting this exhibition was something. Orchids are amazing and the ambient was wondeful. If it’d have been my way, the visit would end there. I might be wrong and there were people taking care of the animals well being and I trully hope this was the case. I adore butterflies and each year I cannot wait to see my very first butterfly of the year. It brights my day with it’s colourfulness and playfulness. The winter is slowly turning into spring and I know I will have to wait a little bit more to see my first beauty this year.So, my opinion? Since the price is 7€ I can only recommend the exhibition to those that truly love the orchids. All of you that will loose your words by the beauty of the flowers. For all the rest – safe your money and in a few months time see the flowers bloom in nature.

razstava-orhidej-metuljev-vrtni-center-kurbusXoxo, A.

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